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adjective ~ not expressed in speech


I feel like Nova disappearing was partially my fault.

Not only did I joke about her teleporting, I basically jinxed her.

Now she was gone, but now Phoenix claimed not for long. Whatever that meant. Nova was always on earth when she had her visions, just a little zoned out. Now she was actually gone, where the fuck did she go? How can a physical body just disappear?

It must be a protection thing. When Nova had visions, she lost her reality, and anything could happen to her. Disappearing must be a way to protect themselves from harm. It makes sense; she was in no-man's-land when it happened.

I wondered why the tree was the trigger, unless it just aided her with her visions. In a selfish way, I hoped it helped her recognise the scent of the wolf that teased our borders.

Now, I stay pacing on the border of no-man's-land. My eyes scanned the entire premises, waiting for any sign of life. I remained in my wolf form, ready to defend myself and Nova if she appeared. However, from what Theia said, she was most likely to return to somewhere she felt safe. Pheonix claimed that was the bedroom, but let's face it; we all knew it was just wherever he was.

I think if the man was standing on the edge of a cliff, she would still spawn there. He's cushion her fall, anyway.

Snorting, I shook my head with amusement before falling onto my rear. My tail thumped the floor softly, swishing the dirt up my butt. Huffing, I glanced over my shoulder to glare at it; wishing for it to stay still. It tended to have a mind of its own, whether I was amused or annoyed.

Rolling my eyes, I turned back to face ahead, only to be startled when a pair of eyes blinked at me through the trees. Raising onto all fours, my hackles immediately rose as I growled. But the eyes merely blinked, before disappearing all together.

I charged forward, directly towards the strange faceless eyes, snapping my teeth. There was no scent, no footprints in the leafy area. Whoever it was had been careful, and just as I went to chase an imaginary scent, Phoenix's voice sounded in my head.

'She's here. I got her.' He sounded relieved.

Raising my head, I looked around once more before turning back. Is she okay?

'Confused, but unharmed.'

Walking back over into our border, my tail swished annoyingly behind me. Can you ask here how it felt to teleport?

'Ask her yourself.' He grunted.

Ple-ease? I begged. I have to run all that way.

Phoenix sighed, and there was a pause. 'She said you're annoying.'

Scoffing, I shook my head. I doubt she did. I'm on my way, just going to add an extra patrol.

'Sean should be finished.' Phoenix stated, before closing the mind-link.

Huffing, I trudged my wolf ass back towards my clothes. Shifting, I dressed quickly before going to find Sean. He was in the pack house and opened his mind when I called for him.

'Code yellow is over. Something wrong?'

So Phoenix had told him something, at least.

We need an extra patrol, just for the next few hours. I stated. Alpha orders. He wants you.

Sean huffed. 'I'm coming. Is it that bad?'

Extremely. I muttered.

'Is it anything to do with the odd smell on the eastern border? Is Nova okay?'

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