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noun ~ feelings of extreme nervousness


I was full of jittery energy today. We had the first baby scan before breakfast and the moment I woke with the sunrise, I couldn't stop thinking about it. The twins seemed to notice my mood, fussing and wanting more attention than usual.

We booked the scan as early in the day as we could because I knew I wouldn't be able to stand waiting all day long for the result. Plus, it gave Kate a better reading of my bloods and hormone levels if it was early in the morning.

The twins were sleeping better and so was I, but last night was the worst that I'd slept in a while. It was part excitement and part nerves. Excited because I got to see the life I was growing inside of me, and nervous because what if it was a multiple pregnancy? Twins again?

My back was already screaming at me.

Goddess forbid it was anything over two. If life really hated me, it would give me three, and then Phoenix would never let me leave the house without bubble wrap.

After hugging the toiler and hoping for hell to swallow me whole, I finally sobered enough to leave the bathroom. Phoenix had looked after me until the twins started to cry about being alone, and I found him in the living room making a coffee. Frowning at the scent of coffee beans so early in the morning, I meandered toward the fridge. Using the built in water and ice dispenser, I washed away the curling tension in my chest and stomach.

Hands curled around my waist, settling on my stomach. "Feel any better?"

I nodded, swallowing. "For now. I'm just... nervous."

"Everything will be fine." He murmured, kissing my throat.

"Will it? How would we know?" I shook my head. "I've been working out, eating bad, and stressed out of my mind. What if-

"Everything will be fine." He interrupted. "I may not be able to see the future like a certain someone, but I can certainly smell and feel. And everything appears fine."

My shoulders sagged, my head falling back to his shoulder in defeat. He peered down at me, and I smirked as I got a glimpse of his chins and nose hairs.

Ha, not so perfect. He had a bogey.

"Come on, the twins are looking for you."

"More like my boobs." I snorted a laugh. "Shit, what if I had to feed four babies?"

"The twins will be nearly one. You don't have to breastfeed them and the new baby." His chuckle vibrated my back. "They'll be on food and can have a different milk."

I frowned, knowing I'd have to think about it.

I had a lot to think about, really.

Perhaps we should've been more careful and waited a few more months. At least my body has healed, unlike humans that take an entire year. Boy, magic was a wonderful healer.

After half an hour of feeding the twins, I occupied my mind by preparing for the day. After the scan, I had brunch with the girls, so I didn't need to do anything for lunch. I technically was still on maternity leave from my luna duties, but even that hasn't stopped me so far. Phoenix was hovering nearby, having taken the morning off so he could be with me. But even his mere presence was triggering me, and I was placing the twins into their pushchair ten minutes early.

"Are we going already?" Phoenix wondered.

"I just think a walk is needed. Before the sun disappears for five months."

He nodded, a knowing smirk on his face as he agreed with me. It was a measly excuse, and he knew it.

We plodded through the forest, the twins babbling and giggling whenever one of us peered our head over the pushchair. Before I knew it, we were in the hospital and eagerly waiting for Kate to call us through. My knee bounced impatiently as I stared down the hallway. Phoenix's hand smoothed over my knee, grasping it in his large grip.

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