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noun ~ an improvement in the condition or strength of something


I jolted from my slumber, gasping for breath. There was an ache in my side and a weight holding one of my arms down as I jolted upright. Something nearby beeped, and another thing cursed softly with surprise. A warmth wrapped up my arm as I blinked into my surroundings, recognising the hospital.

I hate hospitals.

Collapsing back into the pillows, I groaned softly. "Why am I in the hospital?"

Phoenix chuckled from beside me, squeezing my hand. "You were bleeding out. Badly."

"So, you gave me your blood?" I murmured. "I should be healed by now."

"Mine did not work." He sighed and my eyes snapped to him.

Other than looking stressed and covered in blood, he was unharmed.

"Then how am I alive?"

"Pollux donated some. Kate stores it in here."

"Oh." I mumbled. "I'm... I'm okay?"

"More than." He smiled, reaching beside us to grab a cup of water. "You scared me."

I took it gratefully, gulping down the liquid gold like I wasn't just in a rainstorm. I sagged into the pillow once it was empty with a happy sigh. But then the thoughts came, the memories, the vision, the hurt, the confusion...

"What is it?" Phoenix wondered. "You feeling okay?"

"I'm feeling like I just woke up from a great nap." I shook my head. "But that's not it... I..."

"You had a vision, I know. I couldn't reach you." He frowned.

"I'm sorry." I apologised, recognising his feelings. "That must've been scary."

"We will talk about it at home." He shrugged, brushing off his fear. "Least you didn't teleport."

I laughed softly, nodding. "How are they?"

"Calida is awake from surgery; Charlie is with her."

"How long have I been out?"

"It is a little after ten."

My eyes widened. I run with Sean at six for an hour, which means I turned Calida not long after. Which also means...

"The twins?" I gasped.

"Are fine!" He was quick to reassure me. "Your mother is with them. You have only been asleep for a couple of hours."

Shaking my head, guilt consumed me. As I went to speak my thought, Phoenix shook his head, interrupting me.

"No. It's not your fault. You did what you could to save your friend," He deadpanned. "Although you did not have to fight the rogues yourself."

"I kicked their ass, did I not?"

"You took a life, Nova." Phoenix cocked his head. "You killed them and nearly died yourself."

I held his gaze, knowing what he was hinting at. He was expecting me to break, to understand that I had taken a life. And I did. I knew that. But it was life or death. I trained for this, trained myself to take a life because... Because a parent always puts their child first. And if that meant killing every damn rogue in sight, I would do it again tomorrow to protect those that are mine.

"I know." I nodded. "They deserved it."


"Phoenix." I copied. "They threatened our pack, hurt my best friend, and turned on me, too. In a situation of life or death, only one of us will survive."

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