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noun ~ the second in command in wolf hierarchy


Another day, another dollar and all that.

If Phoenix paid me, I would be rich.

Admittedly, the payment of being able to sit in his office chair was enough to sate me for now. But working the Alpha shift was damn hard work.

My head fell onto Phoenix's desk as a groan of complaint left my mouth. Nova had given birth to the twins four days ago. Tomorrow would mark their fifth day of being born and finally, I can meet my new minions. I would have them on my side and we would forever work as a trio in ruling the household.

A sinister smile erupted on my face just as a knock sounded on the door.

"Who is it?" I sang.

They let themselves in, and I turned to watch as Sean slipped through the crack in the door.

"Well, that is an interesting greeting for the stand-in Alpha." He rose an eyebrow.

"By all means, you take the job." I rolled my eyes.

"No, thank you. I did it when you were on the north pole."

I snorted a laugh, sliding the latest paperwork to the side. "What you want?"

"Charming." He tutted. "What time are you going around tomorrow? Phoenix said that all of us have to go at the same time."

"He did?" I frowned.

That meant less Uncle Charlie time.

"I was thinking we go before lunch." Sean shrugged, sitting in the chair opposite me.

"For food?"

"No, Nova cannot cook. Her brother said so."

"Which brother?" I wondered.

"Pollux." He smirked.

Damn, if Pollux said it, then it must be right.

"How is she even coping?"

"They're in a bubble." Pollux's voice interrupted as he entered the office unannounced.

"Welcome to you too." I scoffed, leaning back in my chair.

My chair. How wonderful!

I rubbed my hands along the leather arms, sighing contentedly. Sean watched me with concern, but I ignored him, shifting my attention to the Nova-twin.

"What do you mean?"

"How much do you hear from Phoenix?" He probed. "I assumed barely once a day."

"If that." I shrugged. "He's busy, right?"

"I have been around every day and the house is a mess. I tidy it when they sleep. I don't think Nova even realises." He explained, crossing his leg over his knee as he sat. "Other than that, they live off food I either bring or whatever is in the freezer."

"Sounds like a calm time to me." I shrugged.

"No, you aren't listening." He scolded, and I pouted. "They are like zombies."

"They have two babies; it's bound to be hard." Sean muttered. "I had Reya yesterday afternoon, and that was hard, and she is eight weeks old!"

"True, I never even met a baby." I hummed, my heart twinging at the thought of being unable to have my own. "Tomorrow is a new beginning for all of us!"

Sean was staring at me blankly, but Pollux's face was down-turned. I sighed, falling back into the seat to match his gaze.

"What is it now?"

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