The Trust Part Comes Later

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SHIELD Helicarrier

Fury was currently in the council chamber talking to the world Security council

Council Member #1: First we had a rogue Asgardian threaten us with war, now we have a new alien threat that we know almost nothing about?

Council #2: Director, do you have any leads on this Kal-El person?

Fury: Agent Romanoff has made contact with him and is currently trying to get in contact with him

Meanwhile Natasha wasn't doing anything of the sort, instead she was in her room on the Helicarrier, sitting in silence while contemplating what to do. She couldn't possibly turn Y/N in, could she? 

There was a knock on her door which snapped her back into reality, she told the person on the other side that it's open and when the door opened she saw her best friend Clint Barton standing in the doorframe.

Clint: You haven't said anything for a few hours, I came to see if you were ok

Natasha: I'm fine, just contemplating some stuff.

Clint went over to her bed where she was sitting and sat next to her.

Clint: You know where he is don't you?

Natasha didn't say anything, which was all Clint needed to know the answer,

Natasha: I don't know what to do Clint, I've talked with him and he's a good guy and whatever these guys want with him it definitely isn't good.

Clint looked at his friend with sympathy, he knew what it was like to be stuck between what you feel is right and your orders.

Church, H/T

A priest was seen sweeping the floors of the sanctuary while listening to the radio, unaware that Y/N was in the doorway listening and contemplating.

Radio Host: Very little is known at this point. According to government officials I've spoken too, the visitors do not represent a threat, despite the ominous tone of their message. Then there's the question on everyone's mind: who is this Kal-El person, Does he really exist and how was he able to stay hidden for so long?

Y/N just stood there, thinking, wondering what he should do. From what his father told him, he knew Zod was dangerous and that he can't be trusted, but there was another nagging feeling he had.

Priest: Something on your mind?

Y/N sat down in one of the pews in the back

Y/N *sighs* I don't even know where to start

Priest: Start where you feel comfortable

Y/N: That ship that appeared last night, I'm the one their looking for.

The priest looked at him with sympathy rather than speculation

Priest: Do you know why they want you?

Y/N: No, but there's no guarantee that he'll keep his word. But if there's a chance I can save Earth by turning myself in, shouldn't I?

Priest: What does your hear tell you?

Y/N: Zod can't be trusted

Y/N admitted before also admitting what that nagging feeling was.

Y/N: The problem is, I'm not sure the people of Earth can be either.

Still conflicted, Y/N got up from the pew to leave the church. Right before he walked out the room, the priest gave him one last piece of advice.

Priest: Sometimes you have to take a leap of faith, the trust part comes later.

Those words sat with Y/N, before he walked out of the church, he knew what he had to do.


The Avengers were back on the bridge to discuss what to do further, Steve offered to try diplomacy while Tony and Thor, who had just arrived, thought a direct strike was the way to go.

Steve: No every problem is solved with a bomb, Tony

Tony: No, but sometimes it does

Thor: What about...?

Bruce: Lightning neither

Thor slumped his shoulder in defeat

Fury: I suggest we try negotiating first before we try any attacks.

Natasha: Do we even know if our weapons will do any damage? The Chitauri were tough enough, and these guys may be even tougher.

The thought hadn't cross any of their minds, they have no idea what weaknesses these aliens have.

Tony: We have to try something though, we can't just sit here while the world is being threatened.

Bruce: If we knew more about them and their technology we may have something to use against them.

Steve: Have we had any luck finding the person their looking for?

Clint and Natasha looked at each other before an alarm went off throughout the ship, before a voice came over the intercom telling all armed agents to go to the flight deck. 

The Avengers except for Bruce, Natasha and Clint went to the flight deck. Tony suited up, Steve grabbed his SHIELD and Thor summoned his hammer. When they got to the flight deck they looked up to see Y/N floating about 20 feet over the deck, he was wearing a blue, red and yellow suit with a red cape. There was also a red and yellow S like symbol on his chest.

Tony: Uh Cap, I don't think that'll be a problem anymore.

Y/N slowly floated down to the deck, landing gently. Nick Fury approached confidently but still cautious.  

Fury: Alright you got our attention, what is it you want?

Y/N: I would like to speak to Natasha Romanoff

Fury: What makes you think she's here?

Y/N Don't play games with me, Director. I'll surrender but only if I can talk to Miss Romanoff.

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