Black Zero Event

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Back on the L/N farm, M/N was sifting through the rubble of her house trying to find anything salvageable. She was in the living room and found an old family photo album.

Y/N: Mom!

M/N: I'm alright!

Y/N let out a sigh of relief knowing that his mother was alright, M/N stood up to face her son and smiled when she saw him in his suit. They approached each other and hugged, knowing that each other were ok.

M/N: Nice suit son

Y/N: I'm so sorry

M/N: It's just stuff Y/N, it can always be replaced.

Y/N: But you can't be

M/N walked down the steps away from the house but Y/N had more to say.

Y/N: Mom, Zod said this codex he's looking for could bring my people back.

M/N: Isn't that a good thing?

Just as she asked that, the Avengers quinjet flew over to the house and landed nearby.

Y/N: I don't think they're interested in sharing this world.

The Avengers walked out of the quinjet and approached the house, Y/N saw them and approached them as well.

Steve: Mr. L/N, thank you for the help back there.

Y/N: It's the least I can do Captain, and please call me Y/N, Mr.L/N was my father

Steve let out a chuckle

Steve: Well then please call me Steve

Cap and Y/N shook each others hands before Thor gave Y/N a big pat on the back

Thor: You fought well my friend, you truly have the heart of a warrior!

Y/N laughed at Thor's enthusiasm

Y/N: I appreciate that Thor

Hawkeye was the next Avenger to approach the Kryptonian

Clint: We haven't had a proper introduction, Clint Barton

Clint offered his hand which Y/N shook with gratitude.

Y/N: Y/N L/N, big fan of you. Of all of you guys.

Natasha stepped forward, interrupting the men.

Nat: Hate to break up this little get together but we're not done yet

Steve: Nat's right, they'll be back and we need to figure out what they're plan is.

Y/N: I think I know, Zod want's to use Earth to bring back the Kryptonian race.

Clint: I take it that's a bad thing then.

Y/N: Zod doesn't plan on coexisting with humanity, which means everyone who follows Zod is a threat to the world.

Steve: Then we must figure out how to stop them.

Nat: Actually I know how to.

The Avengers then began to board the quinjet, Y/N didn't get on at first because he wasn't sure if he should. Steve turned to face him.

Steve: You coming Y/N?

Y/N turned towards his family home and saw his mother smiling at him while giving him a nod, she knew this was what he was born to do. He turned back to the quinjet and walked onboard.

Back on Zod's ship, the soldiers who went down to Earth have just returned to the bridge.

Doctor: What happened?

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