That's The Endgame

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After the fight, the team were busy recovering and assessing the situation in Tony and Bruce's lab, Tony looked solemly at the broken Stark bot

Bruce: All our work is gone, Ultron cleared out, using the internet as escape hatch

Steve: Ultron

Nat: He's been in everything, files ,surveillance. Probably knows more about us then we know about each other

Rhodey got up from where he was sitting, still holding his hurt arm

Rhodey: He's in your files, he's in the internet. What if he decides to access something a little more exciting?

Y/N was helping Maria get glass out of her foot when she looked up, coming to the same conclusion

Maria: Nuclear codes

Rhodey: Nuclear codes, look we need to make some calls, assuming we still can

Nat: Nukes? He said he wanted us dead

Steve: He didn't say dead, he said extinct

Y/N stood up and walked away from Maria

Y/N: Nonetheless, we should still take the necessary precautions to make sure he doesnt get his digital hands on them

Rhodey nodded agreeingly at this

Clint: He also said he killed someone

Maria: There wasn't anyone else in the building

Tony walked to the middle of the room

Tony: Yes there was

Tony brought up the hologram of JARVIS' programing, only it was destroyed. Y/N and Bruce walked over to the destroyed husk of their friend

Y/N: No...

Bruce: This is insane

Steve: JARVIS was the first line of defense, he would've shut Ultron down it makes sense

Bruce: No, Ultron couldve assimilated JARVIS. This isn't strategy, this is rage

Thor marched into the room before he picked up Tony by his neck, Y/N put an arm on Thors trying to hold him back

Clint: It's going around

Tony: *struggling* Come on, use your words buddy

Thor: I have more then enough words to describe you, Stark

Y/N: Thor put him down, please

Thor looked at his friend and saw the worried look in his eyes and put Tony down

Steve: Thor, the legionare?

Thor: The trail went cold about 100 miles out and it's headed north, and it has the scepter. Now we have to retrieve it, again

Y/N put a reassuring hand on Thors shoulder

Nat: Genies out the bottle on that one, clear and present is Ultron

Helen Cho was now looking at the same broken drone Tony was looking at before turning to face the group

Helen: I dont understand, you built this program. Why is it trying to kill us?

Tony then began to laugh, much to the confusion of everyone

Y/N: Did I miss something?

Thor: You think this is funny?

Tony turned around to face everyone

Tony: No, it's probably not, right?

Everyone looked at one another, a bit shocked at Tony's attitude to the situation

Tony: This is very terrible, is it so? It is, it is so terrible

Thor: This could've been avoided if you hadn't played with something you don't understand

Tony then approached the Asgardian fast

Tony: No, I'm sorry it is funny, it's a hoot that you don't get why we need this

Bruce: Tony maybe this may not be the time

Tony turned to Bruce in disbelief

Tony: Really?! That's it? You just roll over and show your belly anytime somebody snarls

Bruce: Only when I've created a murder bot

Tony: We didn't, we werent even close, were we even close to an interface?

Steve: Well you did something right, and you did it right here. The Avengers were supposed to be different from SHIELD

Tony: Anyone remember when I carried a nuke through a wormhole, or big blue over here crashed through a planet changing machine

Rhodey: Y/N yes, but I don't think you've ever come up at all

Tony: A hostile alien army came charging through a hole in space, and another alien force that wanted to transform our world into theirs

Y/N looked to the ground, still carrying the scars of that day. Nat noticed this and walked over to comfort him

Tony: We're the Avengers, we can bust arms dealers all the live long day but up there *points up* thats the endgame. How're you guys planning on beating that?

Steve: Together

Tony: We'll lose

Y/N: Then we'll do that together too, but that doesn't mean we shouldn't try

Steve smiled proudly at Y/N

Steve: Thor's right, Ultrons calling us out, and I'd like to find him before he's ready for us. The worlds a big place, let's work on making it smaller

Y/N: I'll fly around and listen, see if I can pick up anything and report back if I hear anything

Steve nodded

Steve: Sounds good, we'll let you know if we got anything

Y/N nodded before speeding out of the room


Meanwhile in Sokovia, Ultron in his newly constructed body had just made contact w ith the Maximoff twins and he had taken them to his lair to further explain his plans, while Wanda and Pietro told Ultron about the day their parents died and their hatred for Tony Stark.

Ultron: I wondered why only you two survived Struckers experiments, now I don't. We will make it right *to Pietro* You and I can hurt them *to Wanda* but you will tear them apart, from the inside, one in particular

Wanda was confused by what he meant

Wanda: They're all the same, why not give them all the same treatment?

Ultron turned away from the twins and began working at a console

Ultron: Because this is one is special, he has knowledge of things that could help change everything, but also the power.

Pietro and Wanda looked skeptically at each other

Pietro: What do you want with him? He saved the world

Wanda: Even us, we've seen the footage of him even watched his interview. You want him dead?

Ultron chuckled before turning back to them

Ultron: Quite the opposite, I want him to help us. And with his power, he can

Wanda: Superman won't be easily persuaded, if he can be persuaded to help us at all. Especially if you want to end the Avengers

Ultron gave a sly smile

Ultron: I have a plan for that, now lets get to work

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 16 ⏰

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