Avengers Tower

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The Quinjet was flying back to Avengers Tower in New York, the team was relaxing after the battle and Y/N was seen recovering from the green gas from the grenade. 

Natasha walked up to him and kneeled in front of him

Nat: You ok?

She put a hand on his cheek as he nodded

Y/N: Yeah I am, I haven't felt that weak since I took down the World Engine

Nat: What was that stuff?

Y/N: Idk, but I have a feeling we'll see it again

Y/N stood up and walked over to where Steve and Thor were looking at the scepter

Y/N: So this is the infamous Loki Scepter that I've heard so much about

Steve: Yeah, it was what Loki used a few years ago in New York

Y/N: I remeber seeing that on the news during my journey, too bad I didn't have answers then, I could've helped

Steve placed a hand on Y/N's shoulder

Steve: It's not your fault, you were trying to find out who you are. Plus you're here now, you can help us prevent more disasters now

Y/N gave his friend a small smile before hearing Nat yell out

Nat: Thor, report on the Hulk?

Thor: The gates of hell are fueled by the screams of his victims

Y/N smacked Thor lightly on the arm and gave him a 'wtf' look

Tony then put the Quinjet on autopilot before joing the trio at the scepter

Tony: Feels good, yeah? Been after this thing since SHIELD collapsed, not that I haven't enjoyed our little raiding parties.

Thor: No but this, this brings it to a close

Steve: As soon as we find out what else this has been used for, I don't just mean weapons, since when is Struker capable of human enhancedment?

Y/N: Maybe this also contributed to whatever weakend me out there? 

Steve nodded in approval

Tony: Banner and I will give it the once over before it goes back to Asgard,

He turned towards Thor 

Tony: Is that cool with you?

Thor nodded in approval

Tony: It's just a few days till the farewell party, you're staying right?

Thor: Yes yes, of course. A victory should be honored with revels

Tony: Yeah, and who doesn't love revels? Cap, Supes?

Steve: Well hopefully this brings an end to the Chitauri and HYDRA so yes revels.

Y/N: Revels

The Quad all gave each other smiles of appreication as the continued to New York

Avengers Tower, New York City

The Quinjet flew around the tower before lowering it's landing gear and landing on the landing platform. A group of doctors quickly rushed Barton to the MedLab, Maria Hill walked up behind them

Maria: Labs all set up boss

Tony: Oh no actually he's the boss, 

He points at Steve 

Tony: I just pay for everything and design everything and make everybody look cooler

Y/N: Except me, this suit is pure Kryptonian sewing style

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