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The group turned to see a broken Iron Legion bot limp into the room

???: No, how could you be worthy? You're all killers

Steve: Stark?

Tony tried to get JARVIS to take care of this but he wasn't responding, Y/N stood in front of Nat

???: Sorry I was asleep, or I was a dream. There was this terrible noise and I was tangled in... strings. Had to kill the other guy, he was a good guy

Y/N: You killed someone?

???: Wouldn't have been my first call, but down in the real world we are all faced with ugly choices

Thor: Who sent you?

The drone played back a recording of Tony

Tony: I see a suit of armor around the world

Bruce came to a shocking realistation and turned to Tony

Bruce: Ultron

Ultron: In the flesh

All the Avengers looked at each other with worry, while Maria secretley loaded her gun and Thor readied Mjolnir

Ultron: I'm on mission

Nat: What mission?

Ultron: Peace in our time

Suddenly a bunch of Iron Legion bots crashed through the wall and towards the group, Steve kicked the table up blocking a bot before it knocked him back. Maria took cover by the couch and fired a few shots at the drones.

Y/N shot a heat beam at the incoming bots but it didn't do much due to the material they were made from, one knocked him back but he quickly recovered and rejoined the skirmish.

Thor managed to smack a bot away while Tony and Rhodey slipped away before the former was hit by a drone and thrown into a bookshelf and the later was shot back by a repulsor blast and crashed through the glass and fell into the quinjet hanger.

Thor flew up to another bot and smacked it away while Clint slid under a table to take cover, Bruce and Natasha were taking cover from repulsor blasts until Y/N intervened and destroyed the robot. 

Y/N: You two ok?

Bruce and Nat both nodded

Nat: Yeah thanks babe

Then another came in knocking Y/N back before it fired a sonic wave, he put his hands on his ears as he laid on the groud in agony. While he was immoblised a undammaged Legion bot took the scepter and flew off with it.

Tony recovered and grabbed a barbecue skewer before running up and jumping on a drone and disabling it before he and it falls to the ground, Steve tried to do the same but was slammed into the wall. 

Nat managed to grab a firearm and was trading shots while helping Bruce get to cover, Dr Helen Cho was hiding behind the piano as a drone approached her with it's hand up ready to fire but Ultron realized that she could be useful for later.

Clint managed to recover from being shot at before noticing Caps shield, he grabbed it quickly and ran over near him

Clint: Hey Cap!

Clint threw the shield which Steve caught and threw at the drone that was firing sonic waves at Y/N and it smashed on impact, Steve went over and helped Y/N up, he was still a little disoriented but was able to stand up. 

Ultron: That was dramatic

The Avengers all looked at the main drone that Ultron was occupying

Ultron: I'm sorry I know you mean well, you just didn't think it through

Everyone exchanged anxious and worried looks

Ultron: You want to protect the world but you don't want it to change, how is humanity saved if it's not allowed to evolve?

Ultron walked over to one of the fallen drones and picked it up by its head before crushing it

Ultron: With these? These puppets? 

Ultron threw the damged drone while Tony stared in terror at what he created

Ultron: There's only one path to peace, The Avengers extinction

Thor threw Mjolnir at Ultron shattering his current body before calling his hammer back to him

Ultron: I had strings but now I'm freeeee....

His voice faded as he escaped through the internet

Sokovia, Struckers Castle

Ultron: There are no strings on me

The machinary began to work on creating a new body for Ultron while he was also looking at one of the many files of the Governments of the world, SHIELD/HYDRA, even Stark Industries.

All of them having one common theme: Superman

Marvel's Man of Steel (Superman Reader x MCU Harem)Where stories live. Discover now