Now That I think About It

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You were walking in with some DVDs of last year's preliminary matches before you saw Kuroko and Kagami watching a game of Kitagawa versus Seiho.

"This bald guy's defence is especially tough," Kagami said, rewinding the video.

"I know him." Kuroko mentioned, "I played against him in middle school."

"We had only just started, but he stopped Kise," Kuroko stated making Kagami shocked to hear.

(In middle school.)

There was a 24-second overtime since Kise held the ball for too long, "You're supposed to pass the ball, Kise. You idiot!" The ace of Teiko scolded Kise.

"Man, gimme a break Kisechin." Another player from Teiko sighed.

"Sorry, sorry!" Kise apologized, Midorima adjusted his glasses, "This is why you're no good."

"Kise, please pass the ball." Kuroko lightly scolded Kuroko making the blonde flinch.

"Not you, too, Kurokocchi...!" Kise felt slightly worse when it came to Kuroko criticizing him.

"(Y/N)cchi! Help me! They're all out for me!" Kise whined at you.

You merely wrote down some notes on your clipboard before sighing, "Ryo-kun, stop looking for me when you're in trouble! You can't always depend on me to tell off the others."

Kise continued to whine, "But, Sunshine!~ They're all being so mean to me!"

"Maybe you deserved it."

"Midorimacchi! Stop adding salt to the wound!"

You only shook your head as you stood next to the captain, "Kise, you're the only one 20 points under your norm." The captain of the Teiko basketball team spoke up making Kise straighten his stance when speaking to him.

"Sorry, but Kurokocchi..." Kise apologized before mentioning that Kuroko either hasn't gotten that many points by himself.

"Kuroko's different." The captain stated.

"Ryo-kun needs to get past him if he wants to catch up to the others in regards to points. And we're not scoring enough as we usually do against previous other teams." You listed off the stats of Kise before comparing the scores of the previous matches to this one.

The captain turned to you, "Do not worry. Kise will get back into his rhythm soon. Victory does not come to those who hurry, (Y/N). It only comes to those who are patient and vigilant."

You looked at the captain before nodding to his words, "Right. Of course."

"But to make sure of certain victory, I want the stats of the players when the match is over. I want to see what we can do to improve in the future so this won't happen again." The captain walked back onto the court as you nodded, immediately working on it right now.

"Already almost done, captain!" He smiled at you.

"I knew I could always count on you..."


(Back in the present.)

You thought back to that time in middle school before decided to watch the game with them.

"His name is Tsugawa Tomoki. He's a tough one to read and crack. But on top of that, he's quite weird..." you mumbled, now in between the blue-haired male and redhead, scaring Kagami.

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