You're All Ridiculous

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Touou = Tōō (I wrote the school's name wrong lol. So I'm just putting this reminder here!)


"That's it, show some you can entertain me, even a little.

You knew that voice almost instantly, looking to see Aomine beside Kagami who wrapped an arm around the Seirin player.

Everyone was shocked to see him appear out of nowhere, "You're finally here? Hurry and get ready so can you play!" Imayoshi gestured to Aomine to get ready so he could play.

"What? But you're winning. There's only one minute in the second quarter, anyway." Aomine asked why since there's not much time left.

"No, you have to play." The coach told him.

"Fine. Well, then. Let's go." Aomine said, throwing his stuff at Momoi who caught it by surprise.




He turned to you, "Ah. The Queen herself showed her face. Been a while, huh? I've been looking for you." Aomine walked up to you smirking.

You only held a serious gaze at him, "So I've heard." You merely replied, the tension thickening.

"And you're late. Seems like some things haven't changed for you." You said.

The stare-down you had could be felt and seen from up in the stands. To where Midorima and Kise are.

"It's their first encounter..." Kise mumbled, being a little worried for you since it's been a long time since you've talked to Aomine.

"Indeed. This could go from bad to worse." Midorima stated, agreeing with Kise.

Aomine only huffed with a halfhearted smile, "Well, what else did you expect from me, (N/N)? I like to be dramatic." He went to encircle an arm around your neck.

"It's a trait you liked about me, remember?" The taller male muttered beside your ear making the teams look in awe at the encounter.

"O-Oi!" Kagami was surely pissed that Aomine was touching his friend without giving permission.

Kuroko's gaze slightly narrowed at the scene near the benches, "Don't do anything rash, Kagami. Let (Y/N)-san resolve this herself." Even if he'd like to let him go he knew you had to stand up for yourself.

Hyuga and the others watched on in anticipation, "This is the first time I've seen our manager this tense and serious towards an opponent..." Izuki said.

"Well, they're former schoolmates in middle school. But now they're enemies when it comes to this basketball game." Hyuga stated.

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