It's Better if I Can't Win

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The next day, the Seirin basketball team walked into the campus of the private school Kaijo High School.

"This place is huge. You can really tell when a school is devoted to its athletics." Hyuga looked at the building.

You walked with Riko to talk about the start-up of players and where and how to organize the drinks, towels and more.

"Hey, guys!"

"Kise!" Kagami shouted.

Kise stopped right in front of your group, "This place is big, so I thought I'd come get you."

"Hello." Riko greeted him politely.

"Kise...Hey!" Kagami tried to speak to the blonde but he only ignored him.

"Kurokocchi, ever since you and (Y/N)cchi turned down my invitation to join us, I've been crying into my pillow every night. It's worse than sunshine's punches...!" Kise complained to Kuroko as you merely sighed at his childlessness.

"What's wrong with him?" Hyuga asked, "What's not wrong with him?" You mumbled.

"Just show us the way." Kagami grew impatient.

"Not even a girl had turned me down before. Well, every other girl except Sunshine." Kise still kept on speaking to Kuroko.

"Are you ignoring me?" Kagami asked, "Calm down, he's only trying to rile you up. He's not even meaning what he's just said." You pointed, noticing the change in his usual bright eyes.

"Could you please stop being so sarcastic?" Kuroko asked.

Knowing that he was caught, Kise's gaze slightly changed making you notice, "I'm interested to know more about the guy who's making Kurokocchi say those things." He turned to meet with Kagami, walking past him.

"I don't care much about being called the Generation of Miracles, but I can't ignore such an obvious challenge. I'm not mature enough to let it slide. Sorry, but I'm going to crush you with everything I have." Kise stated.

That made Kagami smirk, "Sounds good."

"Sunshine! Come here my sweet—" Kise was seen comically flying into the air by your punch.


"I thought you'd only see these things happen in funny cartoons or shows...!"

"How are you in high school?! You're not even mature enough to handle rejection like a man! You're merely a boy with a muscular build!" You shouted, walking ahead.

Kise ran to chase after you, "Wait! I haven't even tried to ask you out yet! How about a deal? You go out with me if I win against your school in the practice match."

"No way! You're trying to corner me! Try again! And this time, be more honest when it comes to your way of saying things Ryo-kun." You rejected the deal still walking ahead.

"And he got turned down again..." Hyuga mumbled he and the rest of the group followed the duo who could be heard just going back and forth.

Once entering the said gym, the group grew confused that only one part of the gym was available for the practice match, "This is it." Kise spoke up, his face being pushed by your hand since he tried to capture you in a bone-crushing hug again.

"We're playing on half a court?" Riko asked you to go to her side to check out the place.

"The other side's being used for practice?" She asked, crossing her arms.

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