Definitely This Time

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"That aside..." Kuroko started making the team look at him.

"By the way, where's Kagami?" Koganei almost forgot about asking where the other first year is.


"Oh, right! We haven't told you yet. Kags is in the United States!" You announced.



"Kagami?" Koganei asked, "When?" Izuki asked right after.

"Our school has a short-term study abroad program. Our sister school is in Los Angeles, where Kagami used to live. He has a master there who taught him basketball." Riko explained.

"A master?" Furihata asked.

"I haven't heard anything about this," Hyuga said.

"I just found out last night. (Y/N)-chan as well." Riko informed before walking up to Kuroko and started to squish his head, having a scary aura.

Her smile showed irritation, "This year's first years have really been coming and going as they please. It's like they're messing around with me."

"W-Why...m-me...? O-ow...I'm sorry..." Kuroko muttered, wincing at the strength Riko had.

"Well...If he's going to come back stronger, I can't complain." Hyuga spoke.

"Okay, go play cops and robbers," Kagetora ordered the boys.


"The losers will do double the strength training," Kagetora stated.

"Yes, sir!" The boys went running in the mountains again.

A few moments later. Seirin's basketball team was seen up in the mountains playing cops and robbers to strengthen their endurance.

"How are they, Dad?" Riko and you were seen entering the gym to see how the group was doing.

"Riko! Today you're exceptionally—" Kagetora went to hug his daughter but of course, she punched him before he could do so.

"I don't care about that! Well?" Riko yelled before calming down.

"They just have to do what they have to do." Kagetora stood up, holding his nose.

"On weekends they improve their stamina with fartlek sessions. On weekdays, they improve their skills. How much more they'll improve in half a month is up to them." Kagetora summarized the routine.

You placed the bag of food on the stage of the gym, "Endurance training aside, can they really master special moves in less than a month?" Riko asked.

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