I'm not Mature!

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"I won't lose, Aominecchi," Kise stated, walking up to his former teammate.

"What? You're awfully confident, Kiss. Have you beaten me before?" Aomine smirked.

"I'll win today. I really don't want to lose today. Much more since Sunshine is in the stands." Kise replied with a smile.

Aomine was a little taken aback to hear your name, 'She's here too, huh?'

The game started it was the tip-off. And Kaijo got the ball first.

"It's Kaijo's ball first!"

"Forget the small stuff." Kasamatsu passed to their ace, Kise.

Aomine was marking Kise, "Ryo-kun and Aomine are going one on one...!" You mumbled in surprise.

Kise made some small movements before going to do a fast break, getting past Aomine, "He broke past him!"

Aomine did a back tip to get the ball away from Kise. Shocking the Kaijo player from how fast he was, "You're Just as weak as you've always been. You thought you got past me with that?" The dark navy blue-haired male asked.

Imayoshi had the ball, going for a counterattack. He passed the ball to Wakamatsu who was being marked by Kobori who was good at defence.

Passing it to Sakurai since he was stuck, the apologetic three-point shooter made the basket, "Sorry!"

Touou had the first points in the first quarter.

"A three-pointer." Izuki pointed out, that he and the team analyzing the two teams playing.

"Looks like Touou took the first basket," Kiyoshi stated.

Back on the court, Kise was handed the ball again making you surprised, "Ryo-kun again...? What is he...?" You were shocked to see him immediately go for a three using Sakurai's quick shot.

"I see you're still good at copying people. But it's not enough to win!" Aomine was there to block the shot, his fingers barely touching the ball making the rotation be off and miss the basket.

'If they keep on going like this...Kaijo won't be able to break free from Touou's control in the game...!' You thought before having a feeling.

Then, Kaijo's captain, Kasamatsu steals the ball from Imayoshi getting the male with glasses shocked to see how fast he is.

Kasamatsu went to shoot a three to repay what their opponents had done to them, "We're not generous enough to hand over control that easily!"

"They're tied!" Tsuchida and Koganei looked on in amazement to see Kasamatsu pull that play.

"Nice shot, Kasamatsu-san!!" You shouted making Kagami hush you, "Shut it! Do you want people to look at us weirdly?!"

"But Kasamatsu-san is one of my favourite! A good captain and man. Pretty handsome too!" You whined towards your friend whose eye twitched at your antics.

"You need to stop collecting captains, and players, who are OUR opponents like they're collectables!" He scolded you.

"(Y/N)-san. It's not wrong to like others. But let's try to tone it down a bit, okay?" Kuroko spoke up.

"Okay!" You agreed making Kagami yell at the both of you, "WHAT THE HELL?! Why'd you listen to him instead of me!? I'm your best friend!"

"Yeah, but I knew Tetsu-kun, longer than you!" You told him as Kagami only sighed, not going any further.

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