I Don't Want to Lose

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"I can't take it anymore."

Seeing this made even Kiyoshi look surprised at the center.

"It's so displeasing, I could puke."

Izuki and the others were shocked as well.

"Watching you squirm."

'How are we supposed to stop this?!' Hyuga asked in urgency.

Kuroko was next to you, seeing the scene undergoing.

"Hard work, determination, faith..."

He's coming...

"I'll crush them all."

"All of them."


"Murasakibara's on offence?" Fukuda asked in confusion.

Koganei was also confused, "I thought his specialty was defence."

Kuroko was first to reply to their questions, "Murasakibara is one of the more combative members of the Generation of Miracles."

You gave a nod to agree to your friend's explanation, "While he has little interest in basketball and is lazy, he's actually better at offence. In games like this that incur his wrath, he's scored a record hundred points in a single game."

"A hundred?!" Kawahara and Fukuda looked in shock at Kuroko.

"Normally, Sei-kun would be the one to incur that kind of wrath within Atsu-kun. But for him to move on his own is something I've never seen before after the red I've known him," you added your opinion on the matter, 'It means the monster within him has been awakened.'

Koganei perked up at your opinion, "Sei-kun...? You mean as in...Akashi?" You gave a nod at that, "Yes. But like I said earlier, it's rare for Atsu-kun to move like this on his own. He must've really found someone on our team annoying..."

"I'll show you," an indescribable look could be seen on the Yosen's center's face, "I'll show you such an unfair play, it'll make your pretty words meaningless!"

With Murasakibara getting out his comfort zone, Mitobe, Kiyoshi and Hyuga went to triple-team him.

"We don't expect to stop you with one," Kiyoshi stated, the tall center only gave a glance at the shorter center, "Really? So, what?" Kiyoshi was shoved aside with Hyuga and Mitobe.

Even with three people on him, Murasakibara didn't seem like he was worried as he played like usual.

"Mitobe-san! Kiyoshi-san! Hyuga-san! Look out!!" You stood to warn the boys about what's to come as you knew what Murasakibara was going to do.

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