We Win Now!

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"This is bad! Imayoshi can predict someone's movements by their habits, face, and even expressions! He's a bad match-up for Tetsu-kun!" You said in slight fright.

"Did you know? Some things can only be seen from behind the mirror." Imayoshi told a shocked Kuroko.


Kuroko was seen shut down by Imayoshi being able to keep him under wraps.

Kuroko's misdirection isn't working. They've completely shut down Kuroko.

"Don't be so hard on me. Let's be friends." Imayoshi was seen with a sickening smile.

"Of course. Momoi-chan found out." You had a nervous smile on your face when knowing your student found out about how to completely shut down Kuroko.

Kuroko tried to get the ball after a pass but Imayoshi was there to steal the ball.

Imayoshi went to the basket while Izuki tried to stop him. But it was too late for him to stop his three.

"Hyuga!" Izuki passed to Hyuga.

Hyuga tried to get a three for payback, using his Barrier Jumper. But Sakurai knew how to block the shot thanks to Momoi.

Knowing that Sakurai found out, Hyuga passed to Kiyoshi. Wakamatsu was there to stop him.

"Look at you guys having fun by yourselves."

Kagami got the ball and was being marked by Aomine.

"Are you ready for round two, Kagami?"

Kuorko tried to go help Kagami but Imayoshi wasn't letting that happen, "Whoops. You're not going anywhere. As long as I'm on you, you should give up on going to help him."

Kagami looked at the court and noticed that everyone had been shut down.

'At this rate, we'll slowly lose.' You and Kagami both thought at the same time.

Kagami went to go past Aomine but he hesitated, thinking of his past game against Tōō.

"You lack focus!" Aomine told Kagami, stealing the ball from the redhead.

"Shit!" Kagami cursed, and the rest of the group grew shocked at the scene.

The dark navy-haired male was seen getting past Kagami after stealing the ball.

"Wait, damn it!" Hyuga appeared to stop him but Aomine's agility was too much for him.

Kagami was seen in front of Aomine again. The Tōō ace went to shoot, but Kagami was there to stop him.

While in the air, Aomine moved his body to get past Kagami. The move got the team surprised at how agile and flexible he is.

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