I'm Just Playing as Hard as I Can

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The Seirin Basketball team cheered at winning against Yosen High.

In the quarterfinals of the Winter Cup...

...we beat Murasakibara Atsushi of the Generation of Miracles and his team, Yosen High.

Seirin started to walk back from the court for the day. They went past Kaijo, their potential next opponent.

"I'll be waiting for you in the semifinals," Kuroko said to Kise.

The blonde smiled, "Of course."


Hyuga looked in shock at the manager and coach of their team, "An interview?!"

Riko and you smiled, "Yeah, for Monthly Basketball. It means we're in the spotlight, too."

Presently, the Seirin Basketball Team was seeing in their locker room. Kagami beside you spoke up, "What do you think they'll ask us?"

Riko turned to face the tall player, "Your thoughts on the games, your hopes for the future. That kind of thing."

You gave your best friend a pat on his shoulder, "You'll be fine! They just want to ask you questions about your plays and how you did it with your teammates! The usual."

Kagami gave you a deadpanned look, "It feels like you get these interviews casually..."

"Well, she is the Unnamed Queen of Prophecy. I saw her getting interviews from a fashion line journalist, a sports journalist and more." Kuroko informed making some of the team members look in shock.

"What?! Wait...when it comes to our manager, it doesn't seem that surprising..." they all said in unison.

The captain of Seirin looked a little nervous, "Seriously? I'm getting super nervous. We're not very good at that kind of thing."

Kiyoshi tried to get their spirits up, "Don't be so weird about it. Just act natural."

Riko agreed, "That's right. Be natural."

Hyuga only stayed silent before giving you a soft look, you gave him a reassuring look, "It'll be fine. It's not like we're up against an egotistical maniac who thinks highly of himself like some king or god!"

The team only blinked at your words.

"That's a poor way of describing it, (Y/N)-san."

"Whoops! Sorry, Tetsu-kun...! I got carried away..."

"Carried away? Humph, what an understatement."

"Shut your pie hole, Kagami!" You hit his arm, "Excuse me?! When did you start foul language?!" He seemed a bit more offended that you swore at him.

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