It's Obvious

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After those few funny moments, the game resumed in the second half.

Kagami and Himuro were against each other finally, "Sorry to keep you waiting. Don't hold back, Tatsuya!"

Himuro smiled when hearing those words, "I like the look in your eyes. I'm relieved. It sounds like what you said before the game was true. But I will be the victor, Taiga!"


The two supposed brothers were going head to head with each other. Himuro had the ball while Kagami tried to anticipate his next move to snatch the ball away from him.

Yosen's shooting guard went into a shooting position making Kagami's instincts flare to block it, 'A shot?' He shot before getting shocked Himuro's feet were still on the ground, 'A fake?'

You looked in surprise as well, 'It looked like he was going to go for a shot...! This was the uneasy feeling I had when we first encountered Tatsuya-san at the street ball tournament...!'

Tatsuya went past Kagami after pulling a perfect fake. Hyuga was there to block his path but it seemed like the pinch attack didn't bother the shooting guard.

Both the captain and ace of Seirin gasped in shock to see Tatsuya go for a shot and score.

"I can't believe the captain and Kagami couldn't react at all," Furihata was shocked as well as the other benched players.

"What kind of trick is he using?" Fukuda asked.

Riko answered his question, "He's not doing anything." Hearing her reply made them look at their coach.

You were seen jotting down the data you're accumulating, "He simply stopped and did a jump shot. However, because he transitioned so smoothly, neither of them noticed his shooting motion. It's an incredible ordinary play, but each element is of the highest quality."

You looked at the boys on the bench, "He's the exact opposite of the formless Dai-kun. He adheres strictly to orthodox methods. It's like a refined dance."

Kagami only stared in shock, 'I saw what was happening, but couldn't respond. I can't believe how smoothly he moves.'

"All right!" Tatsuya cheered for scoring another point.

"That part of you hasn't changed at all," Kagami spoke out loud, but to no one in particular other than his brother.

Again, Kagami and Tatsuya were up against each other, "You still do, don't you?" The raven-haired male asked Kagami who looked perplexed.

You could see the slightly scary look Tatsuya gave to Seirin's Ace, "Somewhere in your heart, I hope you don't still think of me as your brother," hearing such words shocked Kagami to the core.

But before he could reply, Tatsuya went to shoot again right in front of Kagami. He wondered if it was a fake this time or not before deciding to jump and block the ball.

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