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7th of November.

The day of the Winter Cup's first games!

Outside walking to the stadium, Kagami was seen easily handling a basketball with his left arm.

"Woah. You're getting pretty good with your left arm." Furihata pointed out.

"Yeah. It's even been easier to eat with this hand lately." Kagami in a triumph of conquering his goal.

"So, you still can't sleep the day before a tournament, huh? You look terrifying." Furihata added, seeing how red Kagami's eyes were.

"I tried to give some laxatives or something to get him to sleep early but he waved me off saying he'll be fine..." You sighed, worried for your friend who probably didn't even have a wink of sleep.

Kiyoshi was seen smiling from ear to ear, his aura all over the place. Hyuga took notice of that, "What are you smiling about? It's creepy."

Kiyoshi only laughed, "Oh, sorry. Don't let it bother you."

"I know what it is, Kiyoshi." Koganei was seen holding his chin, "You're excited because we have new uniforms, right?" He pointed to the third year.

"What? They are?!" He was surprised making Koganei retort, "You should've noticed sooner!"

"We'd better get going. Is everyone here?" Riko asked the group.

"We're still missing. Kuroko?" Hyuga looked around for the first year who was beside you.

"I'm here," Kuorko replied, standing beside you the whole time.

"You are?!" The group yelled, seeing Kuorko beside you.

"Yes, I've been here the whole time," Kuroko confirmed before exhaling a breath like he ran a few moments ago.

"No, you're lying this time! You barely made it in time running here!" Kagami pointed to the male beside you.

Kuroko didn't reply as he stiffened at being caught, "Silence?!" Kagami yelled in disbelief.

"Tetsu-kun. At least you made it in time!" You smiled, finding the scene amusing.

"Mhm." He hummed in answer as Kagami was seen yelling in the background, "I KNEW IT! ADMIT IT!"


"Let's go. We haven't forgotten anything, have we?" Hyuga told the group before making sure everyone was present.

Riko took in a sigh, "What are you talking about? We're on our way go get it!" Riko stated the group had determined faces as they walked to win the Winter Cup.

You felt your bag buzz and noticed it was your cell, "Ah. Ryo-kun! He probably went to wish us good luck—" Your mood suddenly changed when you saw the last message.

(Preview of the message)

(Preview of the message)

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