I Believe in Him

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You felt something different, both you and Momoi with Kuroko could sense it.

'Aomine's...returned to his former self...!'


Aomine scored a basket. Taking back the points Seirin took from them.

Seirin - 65

Tōō - 75

9 minutes and 30 seconds til the game is over.

Hyuga held Kagami's shoulder, "Don't worry about it. Let's shift gears."

Kagami looked a bit hesitant at his captain, "But..."

"You've been able to stay on that monster because of who you are. They can't stop you either. We'll take three points at a time." Hyuga stated.

As the captain said, he went for a three even when Sakurai was marking him.

"Yeah, I believe...I believe in my teammates!" Hyuga smirked, reading Sakurai's shocked expression.

"I'm not shooting because I won't miss. I'm shooting because it's okay even if I do!"

Kiyoshi and Hyuga were seen giving a high-five to each other.

"Nice three, Hyuga-san!" You praised the captain.

Sakurai had the ball, and Hyuga was the one to mark him from shooting. Wanting to get those points back, he impatiently went to shoot a three.

"Sakurai!" Imayoshi yelled in warning, knowing his rhythm was off.

"Getting flustered just because they closed the gap a little...Give me the ball!" Aomine called out to Sakurai.

"Aomine just called out for the ball...?!" You were shocked as well seeing the usual lonesome player call out to a teammate.

Sakurai was shocked by his yell, but passed the ball to him, "No, you don't!" Kagami tried to drop him but Aomine cut past him in just a second.

Kiyoshi jumped to block Aomine but he faked his jump causing the center to curse in his head, 'Crap! It's a fake!'

"No!" You stood up, seeing how close Kiyoshi was to Tōō's ace, you saw the two come into physical contact as he made a basket.

"Pushing, white No. 7!"

'He drew in a foul while making a shot...' you thought in shock before hearing what the referee had to say

"Basket counts! One throw!"

"It counts!" Hyuga said in shock, "It's a three-point play." Izuki added.

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