Give Up

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It felt like it was in slow motion when the ball was heading for the net.

It missed!

"Rebound!!" Both of the coaches yelled at their players.

"Yes, Ōtsubo!" Shutoku's coach yelled at the captain.

"No! It's our ball! Go, Kagami!" You smiled, standing up and yelling at your friend on the court.

Kagami and Midorima were in the air trying to push the ball either in or away from the basket.

You saw a vision and were shocked by the results...

Is this...real...?


The ball slipped away from both Midorima and Kagami's hands.

It went out of bounds as the time was up.

But that wasn't the most surprising part.

Both teams are tied!

The whole stadium whispered in surprise and disbelief.

Even Kise and Momoi, who were watching were quite surprised, "They're tied. The game's going into overtime?"

"Normally, yes, but because this tournament is trying to keep games short, they have no overtime rules," Momoi replied.

"Which means..." Kise started.

You and Riko with the others looked in shock, "It's a tie." The two of you spoke in unison.

"Kiyoshi!" Hyuga yelled, the third year was surprised to see his team run up to him.

"You guys are brutal! Honestly, I didn't expect you to blame me that much." Kiyoshi complained about being pushed around by his teammates.

"Blame you? Those were high-fives." Hyuga corrected him, which got the center to be confused, "What?"

"Don't be stupid. We made it this far because of you." Hyuga stated.

Izuki smiled at their third year, "No one took it easy. It's no one's fault."

"Besides, we didn't lose," Kagami added.

"We did the best we could." Kuroko smiled, "I have no regrets."

Getting out of his daze, Kiyoshi smiled, "You're right." That got his team to smile.

"Kagami." Seirin turned to see Midorima calling out to Kagami.

"Surely, you're not satisfied with this." Midorima spoke to the red-haired male who only smiled in return, "Of course not. We'll settle things later."

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