You'll See Something Amazing

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"This kid might give you some trouble!" Kagami smirked at Mbaye as he dunked the ball.

"Could you stop calling me a child?" Kuroko asked in slight annoyance.


"Let's get them back!" Yusuke tried to pass the ball to his teammate but Kuroko appeared and stole the ball, passing it to Kagami again.

The people in the stands grew shocked at Kuroko and Kagami's coordination.

"They dunked the ball right after stealing it!"

"That's two dunks in a row. This is still the first round of preliminaries."

"That was amazing. Has Kuroko always been this good?" Hyuga muttered to himself as he and the team ran back to defend their basket.

"Are you really that mad about being called a kid?" Hyuga asked.

"Yeah. It's like, don't talk until you've played them." Kagami replied.

And at that, the first quarter of the game ended.

Shinkyo - 8

Seirin - 23

"Kuroko, you have a time limit, so we're swapping you out here." Riko started as you gave towels and water bottles to the players with the benched players.

"Because we have to start reserving Kuroko's strength, we'll lose some power during the mid-game, so don't let them close the point gap. They don't have any dangerous players aside from Dad. Ultimately, it all comes down to how well Kagami can handle Dad." Riko stated, sitting on her knees in front of the players to talk to them about their plans.

"Just leave it to me." Kagami has his usual smirk.

"Go out there and teach Dad a lesson, Kagami-kun!" You slapped his back making him flinch a little at your strength.

"Ouch! When did you start working out?" He asked, rubbing the part you hit.

"Never did, never started and never will!" You smiled giving a thumbs up as he sweat dropped, "That doesn't make sense..."

He smirked at your words, "Of course. Not forgetting that promise." He and you did a high-five as you nodded, "Neither did I!"

You sat down next to Kuroko, "You and Kagami seem to be getting along these days." Spoke up the usual quiet man.

"He's got a temper but he's a good person at heart. He's fun to be around with. But he's not as fun as you, Tetsu-kun!~" You smiled before beaming with rays of light and flowers all over your figure.

The blue-haired male had to almost squint his eyes at his bright you are, "You're blinding, (Y/N)-San..."

"Hm?" You hummed innocently, more flowers popping up around you.

He only smiled, "You're fun to be around with, too."

You grew shocked to see his face so joyful, "T-T-Tetsu-kun's...SMILE...?! How heavenly..." You saw the rays of light beaming from his body.

The benched players looked at you and Kuroko, "Why is it always him that gets moments like that with her?! Is it some sort of rom-com?!"

He turned away when you complimented his smile, "Please don't talk so highly of something like that to me. I'll maybe think the wrong idea..."

"W-Wrong idea?! O-Oi...!" You stiffened before gasping when you saw a small blush covering Kuroko's cheeks.

'I think I'm gonna die by how cute he is...!' You thought holding your heart as you cried tears of satisfaction of seeing a new reaction out of Kuroko.

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