First Basket

281 11 1

The teams were still going head-to-head against each other.

Fukui went for a three but missed, Kagami and Kyoshi went for the rebound but Liu and Okamura were higher than them to push the ball back into the net. Making Yosen score first.

You smiled when seeing Kuroko about to do his skillful passing, "A Cyclone Pass!" It's a curved pass that can get through the small gaps of defence in a team.

But then you realized something you forgot to mention to your team, "Watch out! Atsu-kun is still back at the net!"

Izuki looked up and saw the tall giant right in front of him, 'Dammit! I forgot that Atsu-kun doesn't participate in the offensive play and just stays under the net. We won't be able to do a counterattack if this keeps up...!'

Okamura and the rest of Yosen arrived thanks to Murasakibara holding Izuki on from scoring.

"Izuki!" Hyuga yelled out to the point guard who passed to him. The captain went to get another three.

The ball was barely touched by Murasakibara, but it was enough to make the ball lose its volume and rotation to get in the net.

Even with Kagami and Kyoshi, Murasakibara was still able to get the rebound before them.


Seirin - 0

Yosen - 18

18 seconds before the first quarter ends.

"This isn't good." Kawahara spoke, "We haven't scored a single point yet. There are only 15 seconds left."

"Their defence is no joke. No wonder..." you muttered.

'The level of mental fatigue from a 20-point versus an 18-point difference at the end of the first quarter is completely different. If we can stop this basket, we can keep fighting. If we can't, though, it'll be fatal.' Riko thought in her head, she too being anxious by the point difference.

Liu, their small forward had the ball as Kiyoshi tried to stop him. The ball was passed to Fukui who goes to make the basket. That earned surprised faces from Seirin's benched players.

"No, you don't!" Kagami yelled, able to at least get a finger to touch the ball. It made Fukui miss by an inch.

Since Kagami was the one who blocked the ball, Hyuga and Kyoshi are the only ones who can deal with the two other Yosen players to get the rebound.

You smiled with the others when you saw Kyoshi using his new move "Vice Claw" to get the ball before Liu and Okamura.

"Kyoshi!" Izuki shouted in relief.

"He defended the basket!" Fukuda yelled with Furihata.

Hyuga and Kyoshi did a high-five at protecting their basket, "Nice rebound, Kyoshi-san!" You praised from afar.

Now it was time for the interval before the second quarter.

Riko was on the ground so she could speak to the starting lineup who rested on the bench, "Let's go over the facts. They're running a two-three zone." You appeared with a small board of the court before Riko placed a token to represent the players.

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