I Think He's Extremely Happy

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Hearing Kagami's words deeply moved Kuroko. He then felt a slight weight shift, only to see you hug him.

"You're not alone in this, Tetsu-kun. We're right here. All of us. Even me. Don't give in, alright?" You smiled softly.

"(Y/N)-san..." a few tears rolled down his face before he wiped them away, "Sorry..."

"It's alright. I don't mind." You softly spoke, placing his head in the crook of your neck to let him let out his frustrations.

"Thank you..." he started shaking, "...so much..."

"I'd do anything for you, Tetsu-kun. No matter what." You assured him, rubbing his back in comfort.

Kagami and you turned to each other. Without needing to speak you both silently made an oath together towards Kuroko.

To defeat Aomine once and for all.


The group went back to the court. The aces from both teams went head-to-head again. Kagami passed to Kiyoshi. Wakamatsu thought the center was going to pass to Izumi but went past him.

The center made a basket making his team cheer him on from the bench.

"Was I imagining things? I thought you looked ready to go when you stepped on the court." Aomine asked Kagami.

"Shut up. Kiyoshi-san just happened to be in a good position." Kagami retorted.

The two were seen going one-on-one against each other again, "Don't worry. I have no intention of running." Kagami stated, trying to block Aomine from shooting.

While still holding Kuroko in your arms, you noticed a change of pace in Aomine's dribbling, 'One of Aomine's strengths. Even if you predict his timing, stopping him is almost near impossible.'

Then you noticed how relaxed and natural Kagami is, 'Kags...' you soon smiled, "So, you found out his style, huh?"

Seeing Kagami almost get the ball from Aomine shocked the others and the ace himself. But Aomine quickly moved away and jumped to shoot.

"Tetsu-kun! Look!" You called out to your friend who lifted his head from your shoulder and looked in shock to see Kagami block Aomine's shot.

'So that's what Kagetora-san meant by Kagami being at 100% only when he stops relying on Tetsu-kun...With also his friend's total loss. It unleashed a newfound strength in him!' You thought, being surprised that he blocked the Ace of the Generation of Miracles.

"Good. You're finally getting excited." Aomine turned to face Kagami, "Honestly, I didn't expect much from you, but you've improved considerably. I might...be able to play a little harder this time." His expression changed and you felt it.

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