I'll Win Even If it Kills Me

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"Game over!"

"82 to 92, Shutoku!"

"Thank you!"

"You guys did your best! I'm still proud of you!" You tried cheering up the team.

"She's blinding...!" The group yelled out as Kuroko in the background was seen in awe of your aura.

"Come on! Riko and I got something for you guys to do to relax!" You led the boys outside.

Midorima looked at your figure, Takao beside him looked in the direction his teammates were looking, "Oh! You're eying her, Shin-chan!"

"Shut up, Takao. Go run. The coach told you." Midorima cussed Takao out.

He flinched before grumbling, remembering he was ordered to run for saying Seirin won out of luck against them.

Outside, Riko waved the boys and you being near some buckets, "Over here!"

"What is this?" Kuroko asked.

"It's my special icing technique, with a pinch of (Y/N)-chan's help to get some ice. It's great for some muscles and fatigue." Riko explained.

"(Y/N)! You bought too much!" Hyuga yelled, you only gave him a thumbs up, "The more the merrier! It'll help you!"


"That's cold!" Izuki flinched at the sensation when putting his legs in the bucket of ice, "We ended up losing all our games."

"Have we gotten worse?!" Koganei asked.

"Not at all. You've definitely grown. Have some confidence. We're strong!" Kiyoshi was seen shaking in the bucket of ice while holding a determined fist in the air.

Furihata, Fukuda and Kawahara were seen looking at the third year in utter disappointment.

"He can't do it..."

"This guy can never do it..."

"He looks so stupid."


Now being night time, you were seen getting a drink from the vending machines.

"Ah...A peaceful moment. Nothing could ever ruin this—" You stretched before seeing Midorima and Kagami.

"Actually, I'm gonna back inside—" You turned to walk back inside the quarters but heard something that surprised you immensely.

"You don't understand what Aomine and (Y/N) went through do you?"

Hearing Aomine's name made you freeze. You turned to see the two speaking.

"Huh? What do you mean? Of course, I do. She told me. They were best friends and now they're not. Simple as that." Kagami replied.

Midorima only sighed, "You're such a fool."

Kagami retorted, "WHAT DID YOU—"

"I'm saying that you should've noticed her lie, idiot," Midorima stated, interrupting the redhead's outburst.

"Huh...? Lie? (Y/N) would never lie. She's not that type of person." Kagami was confused before stating you'd never lie purposely.

Takao and Kuroko watching were intrigued, "Lie? Hm. I don't see (Y/N)-chan lie, do you, Kuroko?" Takao asked your friend.

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