I can't Have that

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4 minutes and 51 seconds left. 58 to 64 points.

There was a member change and it was Kuroko who replaced Koganei.

Tsugawa looked disappointed to see it was only Kuroko, "It's just you? I wanted to play against Kagami."

"Sorry. I may not be very strong...but he apparently has a grudge, so I'm here to pay it back...by proxy." Kuroko replied before getting serious.

"I also have my own grudge after what you've said about (Y/N)-san."


Noticing the change in his tone Tsugawa chuckled, "You're paying me back for Kagami and your manager?" Tsugawa turned to his senior, "Omuro, could I change my mark?"

The said man turned to Tsugawa, "Huh? Why?"

Tsugawa turned to Kuroko, "Well...It seems I've got a proxy here demanding payment."

The game resumed once again and there were only 4 minutes on the clock. Furihata used an empty clipboard you had to fan Koganei so he could rest.

"I'm surprised they sent you instead of Kagami, but for them to send a first-year at all looks like Seirin's upperclassmen aren't so dependable." Tsugawa mocked Hyuga and the others getting Kuroko's attention.

"They just said they benched you two because it was their will. But here you are." Kuroko's usual blank face was seen when hearing this.

"I asked to be put in. Anyway, if you've been to the game, there's no way you could believe that." Kuroko replied, "If The upperclassmen have their will, then lower-class men have respect. I will defeat you to support the upperclassmen...who I look up to." Tsugawa's demeanour changed at that.

But then Kuroko suddenly disappeared right in front of him getting you to smile, "Looks like Tetsu-kun gave him an earful."

Izuki passed to Kuroko who made a pass to Hyuga who broke past the wall of Seiho. The captain scored, shocking their opponents.

Trying to make a counterattack, Seiho tried to make a pass, but Hyuga cut in between them and caught the ball, "What?! A steal?"

The ball was seen being passed to Mitobe by Kuroko, earning another point for the team.

"What is this? What's going on?!" Tsugawa asked in slight anger.

"Thanks to you guys, one of our DVD players is ruined. Our manager had to buy another one." Hyuga smirked at Iwamura, who was not taking their comeback well.

'The fact that Riko-san found out about their habits when running and passing was amazing. Normally, a person would turn and step in the direction they want to go. But a Seiho player would point their toes in the direction instead.' You looked at Riko, 'I heard she and the other second-years have been studying hard even after practice. Amazing...!'

'But that said, keeping up with those movements was harder than we expected. That's why it took them up until the second half to properly predict their movements.' You found out how Hyuga and the others predicted Seiho's movements.

"Habits are hard to beat..." Izuki pointed out.

"I know, right?" Tsuchida sighed.

Kuroko smiled at his upperclassmen as Hyuga patted his shoulder so they get a move on.

"One!" Hyuga yelled.

Mitobe did another hook shot scoring another point. Seeing how the upperclassmen are doing on the court, Kagami was surely the most surprised, "This is the upperclassmen's will."

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