Of Course It's Not Easy

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Seirin was seen playing against Nakamiya South. Hyuga shot a three-pointer making his team cheer for him.

But he barely missed the net, Mitobe was able to do a rebound but their opponent had the ball now.

"What's wrong with him?" Koganei asked.

The rest of the team and you were shocked at Hyuga's drop in accuracy.

Izumi saw the ball about to be out of bounds but didn't catch up to it. He thought he couldn't catch up, but a player from Nakamiya South did and passed it to their shooter.

They made another point making it now, 16-23. And it was 50 seconds before the second quarter.

You held your clipboard and wrote down today's notes of the players, "Hyuga-san and the others aren't doing their usual...Maybe it was because they beat Dai-kun's school and lowered their guard..." you muttered, tapping the mechanical pencil on the corner of your mouth.

"Coach." Kuroko called out to Riko, "Hm?" The woman turned to the blue-haired man who sat beside you.

"I think you should call a time-out," Kuroko suggested.

Riko gave you a look. You replied with an agreeing look of your own, "You're right."

"Seirin High, time-out!"

You were seen giving water bottles to the players with the benched ones. Kagami handed your clipboard right after you finished, "Thanks, Kags!" You thanked the tall player who smiled lightly.

"Listen closely, guys." Riko was going to speak but Hyuga lightly cut her off, "Coach, hold up."

"Look." Hyuga held the diagram of the games, everyone huddled in to see, "I'm sure everyone knows but this is what we're aiming for. Every one of the 50 schools here fought tooth and nail through their preliminaries to represent their prefectures."

"Every school is carrying the wishes of teams they defeated in the preliminaries. They practiced until they were puking up blood and survived desperate battles. Only one school can beat them all. Of course, being the best in Japan isn't easy!" Hugs spoke before shouting a little at the end.

"Everyone's desperate. Letting your guard down for a second is fatal. I know it makes sense in your heads...but I think we still have weakness in our hearts." Hyuga stated before holding his head up high.

"Anyway, Coach, (Y/N), hit me with your best shot so I can get my head on straight," Hyuga told you both.

The two of you were seen smiling happily while stretching your arms, "What?~ But I'm so weak~" Riko spoke happily.

"I agree! I don't know if I can~" you grinned holding up a sweet smile.

Hyuga was seen deadpanning at your reactions, "You both seem excited. Hurry up and get it over with."

The time-out was finished. Hyuga stood up with handprints on his cheek.

"Okay, let's go!" He yelled making the team reply, also with handprints on their cheeks.


The opponents were a little shocked and taken aback by seeing Seirin's lineup and benched players with handprints on their faces.

Riko sighed, "I'm disappointed in myself. I should have noticed sooner." Riko turned to Kuroko with a small smile, "You and Teppei were trying to say the same thing. Guys with national experience see things differently."

"No..." Kuroko started, "If you knew that, though, I wish you and (Y/N)-san hadn't hit me."

You smiled apologetically, "Sorry, Tetsu-kun!"

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