I've Been Waiting For This

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Midorima went to shoot another three but Kagami blocked it again.

"All right! Kagami blocked him again!" Furihata cheered.

"They've been replaying this scene since the first quarter!" Kawahara yelled. (Isn't that a fourth wall break? I DIDN'T DO THIS ONE! I SWEAR!)

9 minutes and 21 seconds till the second third quarter.

Seirin - 23

Shutoku - 16

"We've been keeping our lead against Shutoku since the beginning!" Fukuda smiled in amazement seeing how much his team are in the lead.

'This uneasy feeling...' You clutched your clipboard, seeing Kagami breathe heavily already.

"What's wrong? Exhausted so soon? I'm that case in disappointed." Midorima asked the redhead who retorted, "Of course not. Bring it on!"

Izuki had the ball as he looked at Kagami being exhausted already after jumping after Midorima for two-quarters of the game.

"It's still only the second waiter. What's wrong, Kuroko?" Takao asked the first year.

Kuroko tried to move away from him but Takao proved it difficult, "You're not going anywhere. That won't work anymore." Kuroko grew surprised that he found out that quickly.

Hyuga moved past his opponent getting Izuki to make an opening and pass to him. But Miyaji was quicker to get the ball, "Crap!" Izuki cursed seeing Miyaji's steal being caught by Midorima.

"No, you don't!" Kagami yelled, jumping in front of Midorima to block his three.

"No, don't!" You yelled but were shocked to see Midorima make a fake, "A fake?!" You and Hyuga said that at the same time.

Midorima moved away from Kagami and went to make another three. Landing on the floor, Kagami still went to stop his three, "I'm not finished yet!" He jumped again, getting Takao surprised at him making another super jump right after the other one.

"Midorima was a second faster!"

"He finally missed!"

You stood up when feeling another odd vision flash before your eyes, 'Blue...Tetsu-kun...? The hoop...? But what...?' Your eyes widened in shock to see what happened next.

"He missed?" Kimura asked in surprise to see Midorima miss.

The three-point shooter was shocked as well but knew who got him to miss, he realized Kagami was able to at least touch the ball with his fingertip to disrupt the rotation.

"What unbelievable leg strength," Takao mumbled before being shocked that the ball was still in play.

Kuroko was first to grab the ball and passed to Izuki who was on the other side of the court

Seirin got another point making the spectators surprised at the play.

'We were lucky Tetsu-kun was there...Shin-kun is now mixing in fakes. This will only get worse and worse for Kagami...' You thought, adding things to your papers.

Kimura was being marked by Izuki. He passed to Midorima who prepared to shoot a three in front of a cautious Kagami. The first year of Seirin thought in between a fake or a shot.

Kagami went to jump but Midorima went past him with the ball in hand. He chased after Midorima, jumping behind him but his jump seemed like he wasn't going to make it.

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