Giyu x female reader (𝖆𝖓𝖔𝖙𝖍𝖊𝖗 𝖉𝖊𝖕𝖗𝖊𝖘𝖘𝖊𝖉 𝖋𝖊𝖑𝖑𝖔𝖜)

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Requested by: duckcupcake_Qween


---𝕶𝖎𝖒𝖊𝖙𝖘𝖚 𝖆𝖈𝖆𝖉𝖊𝖒𝖞


Y/n POV:

Man...I failed my math test...I'm so disappointed in myself! Why can't I just be like Shinobu who gets good grades, or even better! of the popular boys in school but gets good grades without studying. I'm so sick of myself, I would rather be anyone else, to be honest. Comparing myself to others has really affected my mental health. I'm so insecure about my weight that sometimes I don't even eat dinner...and also this stupid math problem and school is making it worse... As you were just solving a math problem and you thought your answer was correct until you heard a voice behind you call out to you.

"I'm sorry if I'm being rude but...your answer is wrong." ^^ You turned around to see Douma bending down slightly to see your answers. "D-Douma san?! What are you doing here?! And w-what is someone like you talking to a nobody like me?!" You exclaimed as he raised a brow at you. "Nobody? I thought we were friends...? Or do you not see me as a friend?" He gave a fake sad expression as you were shocked at what he said. "E-EH? F-FRIEND? B-BUT WE JUST TALKED ONCE-" You were cut off by Douma's laugh. "Ever since we met at the store, remember? When you tripped and landed on my chest! And we made some small talk after that so I consider you as a friend!" He exclaimed happily as you blushed. "I-I see...that was quite an embarrassing first meeting as a friend..." He chuckled and smiled at you while he patted your head. "Well, I need to go to my baseball practice, catch up with you later!" He smiled and left the room, leaving you flustered.

You were about to leave but then you saw Giyu. Giyu was a shy introvert like you and this is finally the time to talk to him.

"Hey, Giyu san...what are you doing?" He was shocked that someone talked to him but he said hi to you back. "'s you, L/n..." He spoke in a low tone as you hummed. It was kinda awkward since you two were silent since introverts freeze up when they talk to someone.

"Do you ever feel like your insecurities are eating you up?" He said while you turned to him and nodded. "Yeah...I'm quite insecure about my weight, my grades and my voice, oh and...don't get me started on the face." You said while you just wanted to cry. "It's okay...let it all out...I don't mind you venting because I feel the same way about my body and personality too." You wiped the tears streaming down your face. "You know...I just want to be someone else! Someone who is not me! I bet they have better lives than me. I don't even know how Mitsuri could never feel insecure!" You exclaimed as Giyu nodded. "I know right...don't you ever feel like you just want to end your life because you feel invisible and worthless...? Like what is my purpose in this world..." He looked away as you can't help but to relate to that. "Yeah...I feel like everyone is better off without me because I'm just a useless piece of crap in this world." You said as he turned to you. "So we have a lot in common, huh..." You nodded as he just sighed.

"You know, if I had to pick which life I want to live on, it's probably his life." You were confused at what he was pointing until you followed his finger and saw him pointing at Douma who was playing baseball.

" You were confused at what he was pointing until you followed his finger and saw him pointing at Douma who was playing baseball

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"Oh, Douma san...? I get why you want to be him, everyone wants to be like him or want to BE him." You sighed as he looked at him with admiration. "I mean, who wouldn't want to be him? He has a very handsome face, popular among women, getting good grades without even studying, He is very kind and nice to everyone, He has a very perfect and muscular body that I'm envious about, and lastly every boy looks up to him. He just has the perfect life, you know?" He stated as you agreed with that. "Yeah...he thinks of everyone as his friend and everyone is nice to him, unlike me...a loser who gets bullied all the time." You wiped the tears off your face as he just looked at you. "Same...Douma-senpai called me his friend the other day and I'm equally as shocked as you." He stated as you just sighed. "I wish that I can be like the cool kids because the cool kids seem to fit in and are admired by everyone and I literally have no friends...except for Douma, I don't know if I can count Douma-senpai as a friend since we don't really have any conversations that much." You nodded in agreement. "Yeah...we just became friends because I landed on his chest."

You blushed and mumbled while he wanted to burst out laughing. " and Douma-senpai met when I spilled water on him and he told me it's fine and he was so chill about it even though most of his friends yelled at me." You cracked up a little smile that you have not done for a while. "And then me and Douma-senpai was partnered up for a science experiment and it just lasted for an hour but I guess he still considers everyone he talks to a friend. Man, I wonder how many friends he's got...the whole school?" He cracked up a joke as you agreed to that.

"I know right, that's why everyone wants to be him so bad. I mean, I want to be Shinobu chan so bad since she has the perfect body and she's smart. Just what you described Douma senpai as...that's why I feel so insecure about myself." You looked at the floor with a sad expression as Giyu placed a hand on your shoulder. "Well...if you want...we can exchange numbers and we can talk more." He looked away, blushing as you nodded and gave him your number. "Oh! It's already dismissal! I got to go now but it's nice making a new friend." You said as you waved goodbye to him. He was shocked that someone called him a friend.

Looks like you've made a new friend. Would this new friend finally cure the sadness in your heart? Let's see...

꧁༒☬𝕿𝖍𝖊 𝖊𝖓𝖉☬༒

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