Giyu x female reader

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-𝓼𝓽𝓪𝓵𝓴𝓲𝓷𝓰 (𝓣𝓪𝓷𝓳𝓲𝓻𝓸 𝓶𝓸𝓭𝓮)



Ubuyashiki asked me to figure out what Giyu tomioka problems are. So, I'm heading to his house and hopefully he's home because from what I've heard, When someone knocks at his gate, he does not answer or maybe he's not home.

"Tomioka san, are you home?" You knocked at least 5 times at his gate but still no answer. "Huh...I do sense that he's here...You know what, I might just call his name 1 more time and if he does not answer I'll just break in." You said in your mind. "TOMIOKA SAN, I'M GONNA BREAK IN NOW!"

Meanwhile Tomioka POV:

Huh? What does L/n mean about breaking in? No, I must be imagining it...I'm sure she meant that she was leaving already, right-

"GIYU SAN! I KNEW IT, YOU'RE HERE!" You said while his eyes widened. You then sat down next to him. He seemed a little uncomfortable but you wanted to tell him the news quickly. "So, Giyu san, the hashiras hosted a hashira training program and I thought that you wanted to join." You explained while he closed his eyes.

-"Yes, I know that."

-"What? So you knew?! I'm so glad!"


-"The other hashiras have been waiting for you."

-"They don't need me there."

-"Why not? What are you mad about?"

-I'm not supposed to be the water hashiras, period. Now that you know, you can leave now."

-"Ehhh? I'm not gonna leave without an explanation! Please tell me your worries now!"

He then stood up and took his leave. But you promised the master that you'd speak to him and figure out what's wrong.

So...for the last few days, you've been stalking him and giving him rice balls. You kept on stalking him even though he was eating, taking a bath, sleeping and even early in the morning. There was nothing to stop you from stalking him. You wanted him to give in and tell you what's wrong.

"GIYUUU SANNNN, PLEASE TELL ME WHAT'S WRONGGGG!" You yelled out while he sighed. "Is she gonna keep this for the rest of my life...?" He stated in his mind while he stopped walking. "Giyu san, why'd you stop? Are you angry?" You asked worriedly.

Just like that...He started telling me his whole backstory and to be honest, I kinda felt sorry for him. I understand now why he has such low self esteem.

"Is that so, Giyu san...? I know what will cheer you up! What if we go to a restaurant and rant about our problems!" You exclaimed while he gave you a weirded expression. 

"Uh what

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"Uh what..." He mumbled while you took his hand. "Let's go, Giyu san! Let's eat and talk about our problems. We're friends now, aren't we?" You exclaimed while walking with him.

Yes, it may not seem like it, but...I did actually have problems of my own like Giyu. I might of just tried to put on a smile and show happiness but deep down, I've been experiencing some problems too. It was nice talking to a person somewhat relatable but the only difference is that he's an introvert.

꧁༒☬𝕿𝖍𝖊 𝖊𝖓𝖉☬༒꧂\

Total words: 500+

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