Obanai x male reader

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I was just walking past the Ubayushiki house and saw Obanai, another fellow hashira sitting on a tree. I was curious why he kept on sitting there and approached him.

"Iguro san? You seem pretty lonely out here." he seemed startled but then looked at you. "No...I have kabu with me so it's not really that lonely." He stated while you nod awkwardly. "Ah, is that so? When I was walking by I saw you running away when you saw women. Are you scared of them?" You asked while His eyes widened. "You saw that...? I must have looked pathetic looking scared of women like that..." He said while looking away from you. "I can't blame you...women are scary with those delulu imaginations of theirs. It's fine being scared of women since women could never understand us or neither would understand them.." You said while sitting on the rock. "You're a pretty funny guy, huh? You seem to relate to my problems." he then climbed off the tree and stood before you.

-"I do have to ask you a question."

-"Yeah? What is it Iguro san?"

-"Do you hate Tomioka?"

-"Giyu Tomioka? The water hashira? Not really...I don't really have an opinion on him but he could be stuck up sometimes."

-"They way he just left the meeting. How disrespectful can he be?"

-"Kinda...he kind of got on my nerves."

-"Finally, a person who understands me other than Sanemi."

We talked for some time and I was surprised at how he despised Tomioka. But sadly, He had to go because a crow called him for a mission. Well...wondering when I get to see him."

Total words: 200+

Ik, it looms rushed :(((

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