Mitsuri x female reader (𝕹𝖊𝖜 𝖍𝖆𝖘𝖍𝖎𝖗𝖆)

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Requested by: Fnrewuyfw



Somewhere in japan: (Y/n POV)

A new hashira, eh? I mean, after Kanae Kocho died, it's time that we get a new female hashira and make things not boring. Yes, Kanae was my friend and I feel a bit lonely after she died so a new female hashira is a good change. I hope she's nice, though...if she's a big mean head like Shinazugawa then I'll quit being a hashira. Too much negativity is really toxic to the brain, you know? A person can handle so much.

"H-Hello? Do you know where the master's house is...? Y-you see I'm new here and need some help." You turned around to see a female. She has pink and green hair with a rather revealing uniform..."I'm sorry, this is a HASHIRA headquarters only. Do you need help with anything else?" You said as she just got more flustered. "B-but, I'm the new hashira! My name is Mitsuri Kanroji!" She exclaimed as your eyes widened. "OH! I'M SORRY I DIDN'T KNOW THAT! Your uniform just makes you look like a low ranking demon slayer member..." You said while sighing. "No, I completely understand! I get it, I'm new and I still have a lot to learn." Mitsuri stated while blushing. "Well, yeah, you're new so you need to perfect the breathing forms and the total concentration breathing." She looked at you and nodded. "Also, if there are people slandering you, tell me and I'll beat their butts!" You exclaimed proudly as she looked at you with admiration. "Oh, don't worry because all these people had been nothing than nice to me! They keep giving me compliments about how pretty I am and congratulating me on getting promoted on being a hashira!" She exclaimed happily as you just nodded. "Come, I was assigned to show you to your estate. The master's orders exactly so you don't need to go to his house anymore." You said while you walked away and she followed you.

"I don't exactly know how they designed your estate but I think it will be really beautiful." You said while you and her walked. "Yeah! I'm really shocked and grateful that the master is really kind enough to make me an estate and accept me as a hashira!" She spuealed happily. "Yeah...the master is really kind. He is kind enough to save me, that's how kind he is." You then stopped walking. "Huh? Why'd you stop walking, Y/n chan?" She asked curiously as you turned to her. "Oh? You don't know, Kanroji san? We're here, this is your estate! Welcome to you new home and congratulations on becoming a new hashira!" You said happily as she looked at the estate with admiration.

"KYAAAAAA! IS THIS REALLY MY NEW HOME?! IT'S SO BIG COMPARED WHERE I USED TO LIVE! I SHOULD SHOW THIS TO MY PARENTS AND BROTHER! THEY WILL BE SO THRILLED!" She exclaimed happily and jumped up and down. "I'm glad you like it, The master will be pleased that you like the results of this estate." You said while she just looked at the estate with admiration. "Wait! Where are you going, Y/n chan?! Are you gonna leave me in this big estate by myself?! Pleaseeeee, what if there's ghost in here since it's so big?! Please keep be company, Y/n channnn!!!" She exclaimed as you just sighed. "Alright, alright...I'll keep you company until you believe that there is no ghost in here." You said with a tired voice as Mituri looked at you with stars in her eyes. "YAYYY! I FINALLY MADE MY FIRST FRIEND! I THOUGHT EVERYONE IS SO MEAN. LET'S HAVE A GIRLS NIGHT, Y/N CHAN!" She took your hand and led you inside the estate.

"Wowwwww, the estate is so pretty, Y/n chan! I can't thank the master enough for this! Please tell him that I'm really grateful for this opportunity!" She exclaimed happy and sat down on one of the couches. "Wow! Even the couch is more comfortable than the couch I have back home!" She said happily as you sat down too. "Yeah, I can just sit here all day, it's really soft." You then laid as Mitsuri turned to you. "If you're comfortable in telling me this, why did you become a demon slayer and how did you become one?" She asked curiously as you stayed silent. "Oh no! I did not mean to upset you! It's okay if you're not comfortable in telling me why!" She exclaimed as you turned to her and sighed. "Well...whenever I share this to someone, they give me bad looks like my past defines me..." You said why looking down in shame. "No, no,no,no! I'm not gonna judge you! I'm your friend and you can trust me!" Mitsuri placed a hand on your shoulder as you sighed. "Ok, I trust you, so please...don't go around and tell people about this, okay?" She nodded.

Some years ago...

I was just 14 years old when I had an addiction on stealing. Yes, it sounds like a demon's backstory and I think I should of become a demon than a hashira but whatever. No, I stole not because my mom was sick or I needed the money, I was born into a average family and my family was doing okay. I just love stealing, that's why.

"Ugh! Take your hands off me, you damn bastard!" You said angrily as the guards just held a tighter grip on you. "We had many reports that you were stealing their valuables like jewelry, expensive pots, money and more. Do you have a reason why you're doing this?" The judge asked you while you kept your head low. "I...won't run away from the truth now since the truth will come out at the end anyways, but no...I don't have a important reason why I'm doing this. I just steal because I have an addiction. I wish to seek the help that I need someday and become a better person." You said while the judge gave you dirty looks. "Ms. are sentenced to 10 years in prison. You will get the therapy you need AFTER you get out of prison and pay for the crimes you've done." The judge said coldly as the guards took you away to give you a "punishment"

Y/n POV:

After that...they raped me as a punishment...all 5 guys took turn in violating me over and over for hours. They told me I deserved it for all the crimes I've done and I thought they were correct since stealing was wrong and I was young back then. After that incident, they locked me and after a few weeks they said someone was there to see me and I was curious since my parents just left the prison a few hours ago, did they forget to tell me something?

You then looked up to see the master smiling down at you. "Y/'re a very special child and I think your past does not define who you would become in the future." He said with a gentle voice as you just looked at him. "Huh...? What are you saying...? I can't get out of's just a few weeks since I was last arrested, you know? Unless you have the money to afford the bail and that cost 100.9m yen." You said in a cold voice as he just smiled. "Well, my young child...don't worry about that, I already paid for your bail." You eyes widened at what he said. You then saw 2 guards opened the cell door and telling you that you were free to go. "W-what?! W-why are you doing this?! You don't even know me and I've done a lot of bad things! I don't even know how I could pay you back!" You exclaimed while trembling as he placed a hand on your shoulder. " can pay me back with accepting in becoming a demon slayer and become a hashira, my dear." He said while you find yourself nodding.

Back to the present...

That's why I became a demon slayer because I wanted to pay back my debt to the master. I also got help and I think I'm better now." You said while Mitsuri looked at you sadly. "I'M SO SORRY YOU WENT THROUGH THAT AND GOT R4PED! I FEEL SO SORRY FOR YOU!" She hugged you as you hugged her bag. "Well...If I did not steal in the first place then it should of mot's all my fault." You said while looking down. "No, no, no! It's not your fault! Stop blaming yourself when it's not!" She exclaimed. "Thank you for the kind words...I'm really grateful for your support."

Looks like I have a new friend now...and I'm glad....

꧁༒☬𝕿𝖍𝖊 𝖊𝖓𝖉☬༒

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