Mitsuri x male reader

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Finally! After a hellish training,I finally graduated and moved on to the next hashira! And I heard that she was a girl. Finally, after being in hell by getting trained by these hashiras that aren't even a girl! I can finally get a girl to touch me and this will be heaven!

Or so I thought...

W-WAIT1 I HAVE TO WEAR THIS PINK OUTFIT WHILE TRAINING WITH YOU?!" You exclaimed while he nodded. "Mhm! It looks so cute and it will be a lot of fun!" She exclaimed while leading you to the training room. "Here we have the other slayers trying their best and they look so cute doing it! Come on, Y/n, give it a try!" You gulpled and sat on the floor. You saw what happened with the other guy and you were nervous to get your legs demolished. "Are you ready, Y/n?" She asked sweetly while you nodded and not to your hurted...a lot that even my scream could reach God and he would tell me to shut up.

After a few hours of that torture...

I was about to leave but then Mitsuri san stopped me. "Hey, Y/n kun, I know you're exhausted from the training and I was hoping you'd join me for lunch." She asked sweetly and you knew damn well that you won't reject a girl as hot as her. "Oh yeah, definitely! I am so hungry!" You exclaimed as she chuckled and held your hands which made you blush. "Oh! I made these foods myself and I was wondering if you'd rate them!" She then made you sit down and taste her home cooked meal.

"Y-you made this? These look delicious, Kanroji san! You exclaimed while taking a bite of the cake. "H-how is it, Y/n kun? I-is it bad?!" She asked worriedly while you shook your head. "Don't say that! This is one of the best home cooked meals I have ever had since my family died!" You exclaimed while she gave you a sad look. "Oh...I'm sorry about your family. I'm sure they're in a safe place now." She said sadly while you sighed. "Yes...they probably are."

-"Anyways, if you had to rate the food I made, what will it be?"

-"Oh, uhm...I'd say about 8.5/10! "

-"Oh, sadly it's not a perfect score but it's okay! You're a really nice guy and I'm gonna tell Iguro san about you!"

-"Okay! He seems like a nice guy!"

yeah...You didn't know that there was hell waiting for you when she sent that letter to him. Iguro mistook her for liking you and he was jealous...again. When you got to his training, he was so cold and angry to you. Yeah, what a bummer...and you thought you could be friends with the serpent hashira.

꧁༒☬𝕿𝖍𝖊 𝖊𝖓𝖉☬༒꧂

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