Gyomei x daughter reader

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Requested by: Pookies123557835

(sorry, this chapter looks quite rushed)



Gyomei was a kind and compassionate man, always putting the needs of others before his own. He was especially gentle with his daughter, who he loved more than anything else in the world. Even in the demon world, where kindness was in short supply and violence was commonplace, he did his best to shelter her from the darkness and provide her with a safe and loving home.

One day, as Gyomei was walking with his daughter through the forest, he suddenly noticed a group of demons up ahead. They were fighting aggressively, each trying to assert their dominance over the others. His daughter, who was only six years old, was clearly frightened by the sight. He knelt down and placed his hand on her shoulder, saying, "Don't worry, Y/n. I will protect you. Let's go another way."

As they turned to leave, Gyomei felt a sense of anger and frustration within himself. How could these demons be so cruel and careless with their own kind? Why did they have to resort to violence to resolve their differences? He knew that the world they lived in was harsh and unforgiving, but that didn't mean they had to be as well. He made a vow to himself to always try to use kindness and compassion to make the world a better place, even if it was just in small ways.

"dad...why do demons never really get along?" A little Y/n asked as her father turned to her. "Even though they were once humans before, they continue to fight for the ranks. Even though the upper moons are stronger than us, there is one thing keeping them apart from humans." Gyomei stated while the little Y/n had stars in her eyes. "Really, dad? what is it?" You asked as he smiled at you. "It's our teamwork and bond with each other. So remember, Y/n...always try to befriend people and help them when they need you because one day....they will help you too." Your father stated while you nodded. "Of course father! I wanna be just like you when I grow up! strong, kind and helpful to others!" You said in a cheerful tone while he chuckled. "You really do remind me of your mother, Y/n...Only if she was alive right now, she would have seen how determined you are to defeat the demons out there." He said while you hugged him. "I know that the bad demons took mommy away but you still have me, dad...I will always be here to support and guide you." You said while he hugged you back. "Well uh, I'm gonna leave you with the maid since I need to head for another mission. Be a good girl and please don't cause any trouble, okay?" He said while you nodded. "Of course daddy! You know that I'm always a behave girl when you're going out on missions!" You said pridefully while he laughed and kissed your forehead. "Alright then, whatever you say, bye." He then waved goodbye as you did too. Wondering when he'll come back.


As his daughter grew older, she became more independent, but she never forgot the lessons that her father had taught her. She was kind and caring, always looking out for others and trying to make the world a better place. She knew that her father was proud of her, and she felt incredibly lucky to have such a kind and compassionate person in her life. She knew that not everyone was so fortunate, but she also knew that she could always be a source of kindness and compassion for those around her, just like her father had been for her. Until that one faithful day...

"DAD! WHAT ARE YOU SAYING?! YOU NEED TO STAY WITH ME BECAUSE YOU'RE THE ONLY INE THAT I HAVE LEFT!" You screamed while you hugged him hard. "Y/'s over for me, you know? I already watched you grow into a beautiful woman and I've lived long enough and defeated Muzan in the process, so that's enough for me..." He said while tears formed into his eyes. "Dad no're only 27! please, just take the medicine and stay with me!" You bawled your eyes out while you hugged him tighter. "Is it just me or I'm already see the kids I've took care of ever since I was a teen...I'm sorry Y/n but I don't think I can make it..." Slowly but surely, he lost pulse and stopped breathing as you continue to sob for your late father.

Oh well...that was over years ago. I'm still happy that my father and his friends defeated the demon king or else I'd still be worrying for my family's life right now. So, I'm grateful for my father's sacrifices. Now I'm married and have 3 kids.

꧁༒☬𝕿𝖍𝖊 𝖊𝖓𝖉☬༒꧂

Total words: 800+

A/n:Sorry, I was dead for 3 months but I'm back and I'm not satisfied with this chapter :')

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