Sanemi x Female reader (𝖋𝖗𝖎𝖊𝖓𝖉)

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Requested by: VixenxBakugo18



Me and Sanemi had been friends since childhood and I found out that he joined the demon slayer corps. I was confused about what the demon slayer corporation was. Until later I found out that his mom became a demon and now he wanted to join and avenge her. It only took him 1-2 years to become a hashira but I took 4 years to learn, train and survive the demons. I'm surprised a sensitive, weak and soft person like me became a demon slayer. But hey, at least I survived all those years in hell. I'm actually about to be a hashira since there are some empty spots in the hashira ranks so I guess I'm still grateful to finally be a hashira after all of those years of hard work and finally be in the same rank as my best friend.

After your promotion...

You walked around to meet the other hashiras. You were walking around looking for Sanemi, until you finally spotted him. "Nemi? Nemi?!" You ran towards him as his eyes widened. "Y/n?! You're the demon slayer that got promoted today?! Congratulations, I'm really happy for you!" He then hugs you as you hug him back. "Yeah!  Thought I was gonna die but I'm really happy that I survived and became a hashira!" You exclaimed happily as Sanemi smiled. "Yeah, thank goodness you survived." He said quietly. "So, where's Genya kun? Is he at your house?" You asked. "No, he is training to be a demon slayer..." Sanemi said while sitting back down. "Huh? What's wrong? Why do you look sad...? Aren't you happy to see your brother trying his best to help you and be like you?"

You asked Sanemi as he sighed. "No, it's not that...I'm scared that Genya might hurt himself and I might lose him...and you know I don't wanna lose another sibling and Genya just can't understand me." Sanemi sighed as you looked at him. "I understand how you feel, Nemi but I think rather than being close about it, you should probably talk to Genya kun about it." You patted his shoulder and reassured him. "You know...I'm always jealous of you, Nemi. You're always so strong and became a hashira way faster than me...I always feel insecure and weak compared to you and other people." You said sadly as Sanemi looked at you.

"Hey, hey, hey! Don't think of yourself like that! You're really strong since no hashiras are weak! If you were weak then how do you think you made it up here, right?" Sanemi comforted as you wiped the tears from your eyes. "It's easy for you to literally killed a demon with your bare hands when you were a kid." You said while he sighed. "That demon was my mom. Killing her is not something I should be proud of." Sanemi stated. "But still, you should not be talking negatively about yourself like that! You're really strong, Y/n!" Sanemi comforted you as you gave him a soft smile. "Thank you for your reassurance but it's gonna take me a long time to realize that, Nemi..." You wiped the remaining tears in your eyes. Suddenly a figure was approaching you two. As the figure got closer, you saw a girl with 2 butterfly clips with long hair.

"My, my, looks like our hot tempered hashira has a girlfriend~!" The girl giggled as Sanemi blushed. "S-she's not my girlfriend...she's a friend that just became a hashira and I'm here to support her." Sanemi stated while still blushing. "Eh? I don't see it, Shinazugawa san! This is the first time I've seen you soft with someone! You probably like her!" Kanae teased while both of you blushed. "L-Let's just meet the other hashiras, guys!" You cut her off as she smiled. "Okie. Btw, my name is Kanae Kocho, how about yours?" She asked. "Oh, My name is Y/n, Y/n Valenciano. Nice to meet you, Kanae san." You smiled. "Y/n? That's a really nice name! Btw, I have a sister and I want you to meet her. She could be really feisty and mean sometimes but she's nice on the inside." She smiled nervously. All of you then walked towards the mansion.

"Wait, Y/n...before you compare yourself to the people there, I just want you to remember you're beautiful and strong in your own way. Don't forget that." He smiled sweetly as you blushed and nodded. Both of you went inside the house.

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