Obanai + Sanemi x female reader

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𝓪 𝓵𝓲𝓽𝓽𝓵𝓮 𝓫𝓲𝓽 𝓸𝓯 𝓽𝓼𝓾𝓭𝓮𝓻𝓮?



"AHHHH HELP ME! THIS MAN IS KIDNAPPING ME!" A woman screamed as Sanemi and Obanai saw you getting kidnapped by a demon.

"Oh damn...why does it have to be a woman? You know I'm terrified of them." Obanai stated while Sanemi scoffed. "Come on, Iguro! We have to save that woman before she gets eaten by that demon! It's our fricking job!" He exclaimed while Obanai sighed. "Yeah... I guess I have no choice then...." Sanemi and Obanai kept on running to save you but you just screamed...like a banshee.

"God, can these demons f*ck off? And you guys aren't even helping us! Y'all are just a bother!" Sanemi screamed at the lower rank slayers. "I-I'm sorry! I wanted to help and-" The slayer said, startled but Iguro cut him off. "Me and the Wind Hashira can handle this. You can go now." He said in an intimidating tone. The slayer then bowed down and ran away.

Timeskip to when the 2 saved you:

"H-huh? Where am I...?" You then sat up and looked around the room and saw Sanemi and Obanai sitting. "Oh...you're awake...I thought you were gonna stay asleep for a long time..." Obanai stated while looking away from you. "It's about time you finally woke up. What were you even doing that night? How the  hell did you even get kidnapped? You do realize that was a burden for us?!" Sanemi yelled which made you startled. "I-I'm sorry! I was just shopping for some food and I realized all the stores were closed! A-and then I tried to go back home and that's when I saw the demon! I started running and he caught me." You said while sobbing. Sanemi rolled his eyes. "Are you an idiot? You could've died if we didn't save you!"

Y/n: "I know and I want to do something to repay both of you..."

O: "It's our Job....we don't need you to do that..."

S: "Iguro is right. I have no interest in what you're trying to offer.

Y/n: "If that's the case...just anything...like clean your house or something. I feel bad because you let me stay in this expensive looking mansion! I'm sorry for being a burden!"

O: "This is Shinazugawa's house and he did agree that you stay here until your wounds heal."

S: "Seriously...why did you make me sound like a simp there, buddy."

O: "Because everytime Kanae gives you attention, you blush."

S: "Shut up! At least I'm not getting nervous around women!"

Y/n: "Okay, okay! Simp or not, I'm still grateful for all of you!"

They all turned to you and blushed. Sanemi then sighed "Whatever...I just did it because it's my job. You can rest now and we'll leave you alone." He stated while Obanai nodded. They then went out of your room.

A few hours later, Obanai then entered your room.

"Iguro san...what's up?" You asked while he blushed. "You said you'd do anything to repay us, right?" He asked while you nodded.

"Well, there's this girl I like and I want to ask her out on a date but I'm too awkward." He said shyly while you chuckled. "So you want me to give you advice on how to ask a girl out?" You asked while he nodded. "Yeah...just any advice and I'd be grateful...and you can finally say goodbye to your debt." You were about to give him advice but then Sanemi budged in your room. "Y/n help me, I need some dating advice before the love of my life goes back from this mission-" His eyes widened when he saw you with Obanai.

S: "What the?! What are you doing here, iguro?!"

O: "Erm...asking Y/n if she's comfortable..."

Y/n: "He's lying~! He wants to ask a girl out and ask for advice from me! Looks like you two are."

S: "What the..."

They both looked at each other and blushed. "I got to go, Y/n...I LEFT MY STOVE ON, GOODBYE <3" Obanai then dashed out of there in embarrassment. "Yeah same...I'd just ask you another time..." Sanemi said embarrassed while leaving your room.

"Well...that was unexpected." You said to yourself.

What a day...Let's see what happens next tomorrow with these 2...

꧁༒☬𝕿𝖍𝖊 𝖊𝖓𝖉☬༒꧂

Total words: 700+

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