Demon Mitsuri x male reader

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-𝖘𝖜𝖆𝖕 𝖆𝖚


-𝖒𝖊𝖓𝖙𝖎𝖔𝖓 𝖔𝖋 𝖉𝖊𝖆𝖉 𝖇𝖔𝖉𝖞 𝖆𝖓𝖉 𝖇𝖑𝖔𝖔𝖉


"Oh, come one! You're sick again, Douma sensei?! Or you're just too lazy to go on a mission?" You complained to your teacher. "Well, I'm feeling dizzy today and I need to do some experiments to kill this certain demon." He said with a smile as you just sighed. "Oh? Didn't you say you wanted to become a hashira, Y/n? This is your chance to get a high kill count to be one." He said as you sighed again. "Alright, whatever you say, Douma-sensei! I'll say goodbye to the other hashiras now!" You waved as he waved back.

After saying goodbye to the other hashiras, you wait for the sun to go down to slay the demon and wait for the crow to announce what demon it is. After the sun went down, you were then called to this location. You didn't find anything at first until you heard a voice call out to you.

"Oh my~ what a handsome slayer we have here~!" You turned to see a demon with pink and green hair.


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-" you're the demon they want me to slay tonight?"

-"Oh, confidence, eh? I like that but you have to be at least a hashira to kill me."

-"Let's see about that demon! I'll have your head before you can even land an attack on me!"

I think I went a bit overboard there...I'm actually really scared but since Douma-sensei always tells me to hide my emotions with a smile so I did what he always taught me. I was always a scared little boy from what I can remember...

"Awww, looks like you're not as strong as you think you were! But don't worry, my dear, I'll give you some blood so you can be a demon! How does that sound, hm?" She said excitedly as you just looked at the sky, can't move from that blood demon art she inserted into you. "Never...I will never become a demon...go kill yourself and go to hell..." You spat out but she just laughed. "Oh? But you can't even move! And you're starting to get affected by my blood demon art!" She exclaimed while you just looked into the sky and thought about all your memories.

Some years ago...

I remember my parents getting killed by a demon and it was my sister who raised me and gave me life. She worked as a waitress and we lived a comfortable life. Until one day...everything changed. I found out that she got burned to death because she was stealing money from other people. Yes, she got fired and people didn't want to hire her so stealing was the only solution so she could feed me. It was ALL my fault that she died...if I wasn't alive then she would have been alive right now. I wish it was me who died instead of our parents...

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