Shinobu x male reader

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"H-how...? This must be the power of a hashira..."

You were shocked at how fast that woman defeated the demon you were about to die to. She was beautiful and looked rather majestic...

"My my, are you okay? You look rather pale." She then descended above you like an angel. "Ms...I want to thank you for saving my life, is there anything I can do for you!" You exclaimed while bowing down to her. "Oh no, you don't need to do anything! It's part of being a hashira to save people without anything in return!" She stated while your eyes widened. "Now, get up, young man. What's your name?"

She asked while you stood up. "It's Y/n. Y/n L/n..." You answered her. "Well then, Y/n L/n, my name is Shinobu kocho and I'm the insect hashira." She introduced herself. "Kocho san...I don't care what you think. I want to serve you until I die. I want to thank you for saving me so please." You begged while she shook her head. "I already told you, Mr. L/n, I don't need you to and plus, my demands are kind of...hard." She stated while you nodded. "Yes, anything! I'll do anything to please you, ms. Kocho!" You exclaimed while she chuckled. "Very persistent, ay? Well then, follow me back to my estate and we'll start talking." You nodded then followed her back to the estate.

After heading to the estate...

-"I think you have the potential to be a hashira since that demon was a kizuki. You held him until I arrived."

-"Uh, I think you're complimenting me too much, lady kocho...I didn't even kill that demon."

-"Still, you held that demon off when all your fellow demon slayers died to that Kizuki."

-"You're right...I was quite troubled when all of them died in front of me and rage filled my body."

-"I can relate to that. I was weak...and couldn't save my sister too..."

-"Sister? You have another sister aside from Lady Kanao?"

-"Yes and she got killed by a demon I'm trying to track down and kill."

You didn't expect her to tell you her entire life story but she did. You actually felt sorry for her and wanted to help her with her mission. "Remember what I said a while ago? I want to repay you back for saving my life?" You stated while she raised a brow. She was confused for a minute but her eyes widened. "No, Y/n. That demon is strong and according to my sister's information, he's upper moon 2 and the 3rd strongest demon in the demon world so it's far too dangerous for you to join the fight." She stated while you sighed. "I know but I know I'll die soon anyway but I want to use it to repay you so please..." You begged and begged until she gave in. "Alright, since you're too persistent, I'll let you in on my plan." She said while you gave her a reassuring smile.

Back to present time:

I remember the first time she saved me. I wanted to repay her in any way and protect her until she died. I remember the time when she told me her plan and started training a lot to defeat that demon and the time we got closer to the the point I actually fell in love with her. It's a guilty pleasure but I just couldn't tell her because I knew she was more focused on defeating the demon than falling in love.

"I-it's over...we finally defeat the demon, Y/n." kanao stated but then you bursted out in tears. "Shinobu chan...I didn't even have a chance to tell her that I loved her..." You sobbed while Kanao hugged you. "I'm so sorry, Y/n san...I always wanted to protect her but at least she's in a better place, right?" She reassured but then you hugged her tightly...

꧁༒☬𝕿𝖍𝖊 𝖊𝖓𝖉☬༒꧂

Total words: 600+

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