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Milo ventimiglia as Damien prescott
Age - 17

Milo ventimiglia as Damien prescott Age - 17

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"We all grieve in our own ways. My way just happens to be doing reckless shit and getting on Dewey's nerves."

DAMIEN PRESCOTT is the twin brother of Sidney prescott. He was a mama's boy or at least that what's everyone thought.

Damien was a mama's boy until he learned that his mother was cheating on his dad with every other guy in woodsboro.

Damien was pretty pissed when he found out. He caught his mom with Hank loomis. Billy loomis father. Billy was a close friend of Damien's and Sidney's boyfriend.

"What the fuck, mom!?" Damien yelled as he dragged her away from the motel. "Hey, let go of your mother!" Hank butted in, gripping Damien's wrist tightly in his hand.

Damien glared at him ,"let go, now." Hank didn't let go and Damien pushed him back.

"You little shit!" Hank punched Damien in his face and Damien groaned stumbling back.

"Fuck!" Hank gripped Damien's hair before slamming his head against the hood of the car.

Maureen presccot was too drunk to even care as she walked away letting her youngest get beaten by Hank loomis.

Hank kicked Damien in the stomach and Damien gasped in pain. Hank didn't stop kicking him and Damien cough out blood.

Hank beat him for at least ten minutes before he got in his car and sped off leaving Damien behind on the ground.

Damien was having trouble breathing and he knew he should head to the hospital but his house was closer than the hospital.

He hoped that his dad was home, maybe he could drive him to the hospital. If not he could just ask a neighbor.

Damien gritted his teeth as he slowly stood up. Blood dripped down his chin and he stumbled a bit before he slowly started to walk home.

He probably would've joked he looked like a zombie if he wasn't having trouble breathing.
- -
Damien made it home just in time to see billy loomis and stu macher running out of his house and down the street like the devil was chasing them or something.

He was confused until he heard Sidney screaming. Damien struggled up the porch stairs and pushed the door opened , almost falling if he didn't catch himself.

"Sid?" The screaming was coming from upstairs and Damien groaned, wheezing as he walked up the stairs.

Damien vision was blurring as he made it to his parents room. He leaned against the doorframe and his eyes widened as he saw his mother dead in her bed.

Did hank seriously beat him up longer than ten minutes? "Damie? Oh god! Damien!" Sidney gasped and Damien looked at her

"Call...an..ambl..." Damien slid off the doorframe hitting the carpet floor.

"Oh my god!"
- -
When Damien woke up, he was at the hospital with his sister Sidney and his father Neil.

His body ached and he was still having trouble breathing. "Damie? Oh thank God, you're awake!" Sidney was the first to noticed that he was awake.

"How are you feeling?" Neil questioned looking down at him with worried eyes. "Trouble...breathing.." he struggled out

That was the day that Damien learned that his lungs were damaged. It was also the day that his mother was murdered.

Sidney was saying that it was cotton weary that killed Maureen but Damien knew it wasn't him. He knew that it was billy loomis and stu macher that killed his mother.

Was Damien really going to lie and let an innocent man who his mother decided to have sex with while he was getting beaten go to prison?

Yes, he was going to lie. He lied and just like Sidney, he blamed cotton weary for the murder of Maureen presccot.

The doctors did the best they could to fix Damien's lungs but Damien would have trouble breathing at times.

It gotten so bad that his dad brought him oxygen tanks just in case. Damien had to sleep with the oxygen tank on just in case, he had trouble breathing in his sleep.

Damien didn't tell anyone who beat him up. He didn't want billy to loose both his parents. So, he kept quiet and away from hank loomis.

Damien didn't tell billy or stu that he knew what they did. He kept quiet and acted normal around them.

If only he knew what was going to happen on September 28, 1996.
Word count - 741

Hope you enjoy!

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I apologize for any spelling mistakes and grammar mistakes!

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