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DAMIEN WAS DEAD or at least he was. He was dead for five minutes and fifteen seconds. They were able to bring him back, and it was like everything seemed normal.

His lungs weren't damaged anymore, and nobody knew how it was possible, but it was a miracle.

The doctors wanted to keep him in the hospital for a couple of days. It wasn't like Neil had much of a choice. Damien wasn't waking up.

The doctors had no clue why. He was healthy. Healthier than he's ever been.

Once Billy and Stu found out about Damien being in the hospital. They never left.

"Wasn't it supposed to work?" Stu questioned and Billy sighed as he reached out and grabbed Damien's hand.

"It's working. Just give it some time, he'll wake up." Billy said, and Stu grabbed Damien's other hand, hoping that he would wake up.
- -
Damien had woken up in his room. It felt weird ,he felt weird.  "Damien, it's time to wake up!" His eyes widened as his mother walked into the room.

"Mom? What the hell is going on?" He asked as he sat up. "What's going on is that you're gonna be late for school if you don't hurry up and get ready." Maureen told him

"Mom, you're dead. Am I dead?" Damien questioned, and Maureen laughed ,"you must've had a really weird dream."

"Oh, so I dreamt about you cheating on dad?" Damien asked, and Maureen froze before she sighed ,"I don't want you to leave Damien."

"Leave?" Maureen smiled at him ,"My little boy is finally here with me. All we have to do is wait for your sister and dad, and we can be a family together, again."

Damien sighed, "No thanks, mom. You're the one who decided to cheat, and then walk away as I got beaten."

"I was drunk, Damien." Maureen told him, "yeah? I don't care."

"Why didn't you say that it was those two boys that killed me? "She questioned, "you ruined Billy's life enough. I didn't want to ruin it further." Damien replied

"Uh-huh, and instead of turning them. You had sex with them. Like mother like son." Maureen said, and Damien scoffed.

"I'm nothing like you." Maureen chuckled ,"right."

"Whatever. I'm done talking to you." Damien said ,"you weren't this rude to me before." Maureen said

"Rude? I'm just stating the truth." He said as he stood up ,"where are you going?" Maureen questioned

"I'm leaving."
- -
Billy gently ran his thumb over Damien's knuckles. He lifted his head as he felt Damien's hand move.

Damien slowly opened his eyes. "Hey, how are you feeling?" Billy questioned. Damien looked at him, and he smiled ,"hey, I saw my mom."

"What?" Damien chuckled ,"Yeah, I was confused too."

"I feel okay. "He added , Billy smiled ,"that's great. I'm gonna get a doctor." Damien tighten his hold on Billy's hand.

"Can you stay with me for a while? Just you and me? And a sleeping stu?" Billy chuckled, and nodded his head.

Word count - 507

Hope you enjoy!

Dirty Little Secret || Scream 1996 || Billy Loomis & Stu macher Where stories live. Discover now