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TWO MONTHS had passed, and Damien was driving to Windsor College. He was supposed to be there yesterday, but he got a little side tracked.

"We don't need no education. We don't need no thought control. No dark sarasam in the classroom. Teacher, leave those kids alone." Damien loudly sung as he drove.

The music played loudly on the radio. Damien was listening to pink Floyd, "Another brick on the wall."

It was ironic since he was literally driving to college. He liked the song, though.

"Look! It's the college!" He announced, turning down the radio and grinning at the passenger side. A small pug sat on the passenger side of the car.

He saw the pug yesterday, and he was the only one left for adoption. It was like something was calling out for him to adopt the pug, and he did.

Damien parked his car, which was 1967 Chevy Impala. "They're gonna kill me." Damien sighed, turning off the engine.

"So, what do you think, Otto?" Damien picked up the pug, and he chuckled ,"Right. Let's go find our friends."

Damien got out of the car, and everyone looked at him. He wasn't wearing anything special. He wore simple dark blue jeans with a white t-shirt that belonged to Billy with a black flannel shirt that belonged to stu along with black boots.

Billy and stu literally packed half their clothes in Damien's duffle bag before he left. The only thing he had that belonged to him was his underwear.

Damien grabbed Otto's leash before he put Otto down. "Come on, boy, let's go find them."

Damien would say that he changed over the last two months, not that much, but he changed a little bit.

He made a lot of friends on the road and got a few jobs working at a few local diners. He actually loved it, but he promised his friends that he would be back in two months, and he was.

Damien paused his walking as he spotted a familiar face. A smile appeared on his face. "Sid!"

Sidney turned her head before her eyes widened, and a smile grew on her face. "Damien!" She ran over, throwing her arms around Damien.

Damien laughed while wrapping his arms around Sidney. "You're back!"

"I am!" Sidney pulled back and softly punched his arm, "you were supposed to be back yesterday. We all thought you either got into an accident or weren't coming at all." She told him

Damien chuckled ,"Yeah, I should've called, but um, I got a little side tracked yesterday."

Sidney finally noticed Otto, "You got a dog!?" Damien nodded ,"Yeah. His name is Otto."

"Billy and stu are gonna be delighted that you're back! They spent the whole day yesterday waiting for you." Sidney told him, and Damien frowned ,"Man, I feel like a jerk."

"Oh, and rowan is pregnant with Randy's kid." Sidney added ,"that I know." Damien told her

"Come on, I'll take you to Billy and stu. They are in the lounge pouting." Sidney told him, and Damien chuckled.

"So, how are you and Billy?" Damien questioned, "Oh, we broke up. I'm with Tatum now." Sidney replied

"That's great! I mean..no offense but you and Tatum just look way better together." Damien said

"None taken. It was actually Billy who broke up with me after confessing his love for you." Damien eyes widened ,"what?"

"Right?! My exact reaction. We had a very long talk but we're very good friends. So are Tatum and stu. Oh, and stu always confessed that he's in love with you." Sidney told him

"I missed a lot. What else happened when I was gone?" Damien questioned, "well, bode and dewey got together and.." Sidney trailed off


"And Roman bridger? You remember him, right?" Damien nodded, "he actually came clean, and he's our half-brother." Damien gasped

"Are you serious?" Sidney nodded ,"Yep. We're kinda bonding, and he wants to bond with you as well."

"Yeah, I'm just gonna need some time to process all of this." Damien said as he opened the door and held it open for Sidney.


"Damie?" Stu questioned his eyes, widening, and Billy stood up before he rushed over and wrapped his arms tightly around Damien in a tight hug.

Stu quickly joined them.

"I kept my promise. I came back."
Word count - 729

Hope you enjoy!



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