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DAMIEN HAS been going on date's with Billy and Stu for over a week. He wanted to take things further. He was going to ask them to be his boyfriends.

Key word ' was ' . He was going to until people started to get murdered in Windsor college. 

Damien had completely forgotten about them being Ghostface as people called them. He wasn't upset about them killing people.

Honestly, he didn't even care as long as they don't try and kill his sister or friends then he's fine with they're doing.

People getting killed just postponed Damien from asking Billy and Stu to be his boyfriends.

The other thing? Well, randy wanted to investigate and he was dragging Damien along.

Damien went along with it just for the laughs but out of curiosity as well. He wondered if randy would figure out that Billy and Stu are Ghostface.

He wanted to see his reaction but as the days passed and the more he and randy investigated. He noticed the difference in the murders.

Billy and stu had a pattern with the way they killed people. Damien didn't see that pattern, which made him think that someone else was copying Billy and Stu.

Damien was debating on just telling the two men that he knew about them being Ghostface. If they wanted to find the copy cat Ghostface then he needs to work with the original Ghostface's.

He was currently trying to find them. It was weird since usually they were always around him but lately, it seemed like they were distancing themselves from him.

"Hey!" Randy greeted walking besides him. "Sup, loser." Max appeared on the other side.

"I have a plan to catch the killer." Randy told him and Damien glanced at him. "You do?" He nodded

"Yep, and we're gonna use you as bait." Randy told him ,"Excuse me?" Damien raised an eyebrow at him.

"What? You're tougher than me and you're like a badass." Randy defended himself and Damien rolled his eyes.

"What randy is trying to say is, we need you to be bait for the killer." Max told him ,"why me?"

"Because we have the perfect idea who the killer is." Max said ,"you do? Who?" He questioned

"Mickey." Randy answered, "mickey? As in my roommate, mickey?" Damien asked

"Yep. He has this psycho killer vibe to him." Max said , "Listen, You're gonna be perfectly safe. We'll protect and detain mickey." Randy told him.

Damien huffed ,"great, then we can hold hands and skip afterwards." He sarcastically said

"Can we?" Randy asked and Damien rolled his eyes, pausing and turning to face randy.

"Do you really think it's mickey?" Damien questioned, "absolutely. We even spied on him. The dude is Hella suspicious." Max answered and Damien sighed.

"When?" Randy and Max grinned ,"tonight. Leave Billy and Stu out of it, alright?" Randy asked

"If I get killed. The two of you are gonna be explaining why." Damien told them.

"We promise you won't get killed." Randy said and Damien sighed. 

word count - 509

Hope you enjoy!

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