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DAMIEN SMILED Down at Samantha. He held her in his arms. Months had passed since Damien killed mickey, and the Ghostface attacks stopped.

Damien and stu have been helping Billy with Samantha and becoming her father's as well. Sam was able to leave the hospital after a couple of months.

Billy had brought a house back in woodsboro and had set up a room for Samantha. Damien and stu didn't mind dropping out of college to be with Billy and Samantha.

Otto because attached to Samantha and never left her side unless he needed to eat or use the bathroom.

The days were great, and their were so many happy moments, and nothing seemed to be bad anymore.

"Hey, how is she?" Damien lifted his head and looked at Billy, who walked into the room half asleep. "She's fine. How are you? You don't look fine." Damien told him

"Tired, I'll be fine." Billy said, waving off his concern. Damien looked down at Sam with a smile ,"Your papa is just a liar. He's sick and doesn't want to admit it."

"I'm not sick." Billy protested, and Damien raised an eyebrow as Billy coughed. "Billy ,you are sick. Go back to bed. I have Sam."

"I'm just worried about you. You can't be doing so much." Billy told him, and Damien blinked ,"What?"

"Shit. Um..stu and I found the ultra sound." Billy admitted, "You what?" Billy ran a hand through his hair, sighing ,"why didn't you tell us? Were..were you gonna get rid of the baby?" He questioned

Damien shook his head. "No, I'm not. I would never. I just didn't find the right moment to tell you guys. I found out the same day Sam got sick and then you and stu got sick and I couldn't extacly tell you guys that I'm pregnant."

"How far along are you?" Billy asked, "four weeks." Damien replied, "and you need to go back to bed, Billy. Get some rest, Sam, and I will be fine."

Billy sighed ,"Fine, but yell out if you need anything."

- -

Sam giggled as Billy tickled her. Two days passed since Billy and stu had gotten sick, and they seemed to be doing better. 

"So, do you think it's gonna be a girl or a boy this time?" Stu questioned, and Damien hummed ,"a boy. Definitely a boy." He said

"You sound so sure." Billy told him, and Damien smiled, "I'm always right." Stu giggled and wrapped his arms around Damien.

Damien bit his bottom lip, "I have to tell you guys something." He said ,"we know you're pregnant already." Stu said, and Damien chuckled

"I know what you guys did." He said ,"Yeah, it takes three to make a baby." Stu joked

"I mean, I know what you did. I know that you killed my mom, and I know that you killed everyone else. I have known since 1995." Damien told them

Billy and stu stayed quiet, sharing looks ,"You knew this whole time?" Stu questioned, and Damien nodded

"Yeah. I knew since the day you killed my mom. I saw the two of you leaving my house that day." He said

"And yet you still stayed with us, and you loved us." Billy said, and Damien chuckled, "it wasn't hard to love you guys. I kept it a secret for a long time, but we're a family now, I guess no more secrets, right?"

"Yeah. No more secrets." Billy said, "speaking of no more secrets. I killed mickey." Damien told them

"What?" Stu questioned, "well, he was Ghostface, and he killed Christina. It was old-fashioned revenge." Damien said

"And, I just have to ask, did you guys really make a deal with the devil?" He questioned

Stu and Billy stayed quiet, "Guys?"


"I knew it!"


Word count - 637

Hope you enjoy!

Final chapter!

Sorry for the long wait!

Thank you so much for reading and commenting!

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