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DAMIEN KNEW he shouldn't be doing this alone, but Billy was busy being in the hospital with Samantha, and Stu was with him. Damien was there, but they sent him home to get some rest.

Of course, Damien wanted to agrue, but he couldn't. So, he went back to his dorm. He couldn't sleep but he did shower and changed his clothes.

As he was tying his shoes, Mickey walked in. "Hey, I heard what happened. Sorry about your friend."

Damien looked at him, "Did you do it?" He questioned, "What?" Mickey questioned, tensing

"Did you kill her?" Damien asked, standing up. "No, I didn't." Mickey told him.

"You're lying." Mickey eyes harden, and Damien glared at him, " it was you. Why did you kill her? Why Christina?"

"Listen, I don't know what you're talking about. I get it. You're grieving, and you need someone to blame -" Damien pushed Mickey against the wall.

"I know it was you! So cut the bullshit, Mickey. I know your dirty little secret. So, tell me. Why did you kill Christina?" Damien snapped, and Mickey swore Damien's voice went deeper.

"Why do you care? She slept with your boyfriend and was carrying his baby. You know, I think jealousy would be your motive, damie." Mickey told him, smirking.

Damien tilted his head, scoffing ,"I didn't give a shit, Mickey, but how did you know that? Chrisy didn't tell anyone, and neither did I."

"I overheard your conversation in the library." Mickey told him, "Why?"

"Well, I was just getting a book -" "No, you dumbass! Why did you kill her!?" Damien questioned

"That's the best part, damie." Mickey laughed ,"I didn't have a reason." Damien glared at him , "but you can't do anything about it. No one will believe you." Mickey told him

Damien let him go and backed up. "I don't need anyone believing me." With that, Damien rushed out of his dorm room.

Mickey glared at the door. That didn't sound like Damien. Something was wrong with him, but mickey wouldn't be alive to find out.

- -

Damien stared down at the mask in his hand. He hoped that Billy wouldn't mind if he borrowed his Ghostface costume for a bit.

Damien didn't know what came over him, but he had nothing but anger coursing through his body, and his thoughts were filled with the desire for Mickey blood.

Damien put the mask on before grabbing the knife, gripping it tightly in his hand. He smirked under the mask.

"Kill him." A voice echoed in the back of his mind. "Gladly." He whispered before he rushed off to find mickey.

Christina was a good friend of his. They have been friends for a long time, and yeah, she may have made some bad decisions in her life, but that didn't mean she deserved to die. She deserved to get to know her own daughter.

But that wasn't going to happen, and Damien needed to stop thinking it would. Christina is dead, and he is going to get revenge.

Damien was lucky that he found mickey, but he was with rowan and Randy. He clenched his fist before taking out a cellular phone.

He hid behind a tree and dialed a familiar number, and waited. He could hear the phone ringing from where he was.

"Hello?" Randy's voice came from the other line. Damien slightly lifted the mask.

"Randy, I need you to listen to me. You were right, and so was Max. It's mickey, but I don't have proof to prove it. You are in danger, and you need to stay far away from mickey."

"Uh-huh, yeah, we'll be there." Damien grinned and pulled the mask back down.

"What was that about?" Rowan questioned, "that was Billy. He wants you to come and meet his daughter." Randy told her, and rowan nodded, forcing a smile on her face

"Yeah, of course. We'll see you around mickey." Rowan said, waving at mickey before she walked away with Randy.

"What's going on?" She whispered, "Mickey is Ghostface." Randy whispered, "shit."

Damien waited until Randy and rowan were gone. He came out of hiding, and mickey saw him.

Damien ran towards him and tackled him before he could even react. "Fucking copycat!" Mickey yelled, going to punch Damien but he grabbed his wrist and twisted it.

Mickey screamed, and Damien leaned down , "This is for chrisy." He said, his voice sounding different with the voice changer.

"Dami-" mickey was cut off as Damien raised the knife and started to stab him over and over again.

Blood began to pool on Mickeys mouth, and Damien felt satisfied watching mickey slowly die.

"Fuck you, Mickey."


Word count - 780

Hope you enjoy!

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