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BILLY LOOMIS was a man on a mission. He needed to find out who beat up Damien. All he needed was name. There was one thing on Damien's bucket list that billy was intended on giving Damien.

Currently he was climbing up the side of his window. Sidney wasn't at home since she was having a sleep over with tatum. Billy swears those two are up to something.

The light from Damien's room was on. The window was opened and billy could hear soft music playing on the stereo.

Damien was in his room listening to some music when he heard a noise from outside of his window. Confused, he stood up and walked over. "Boo!" Startled, Damien jumped back before sighing as he heard billy laughing as he climbed through the window.

"Jesus. Did you want to kill me?" Damien questioned and Billy just smiled at him. "What are you doing here?"

"Well, it occurred to me that there was one thing on your bucket list that I could for you." Billy told him

"Oh, yeah? And what's that?" Damien questioned, "I think you know what I'm talking about." Billy told him and Damien scoffed

"Absolutely not, Willam loomis." Billy sat down on Damien's bed ,"and why not?"

"Why? You're my sisters boyfriend." Damien told him ,"so? Look, Sidney is cheating on me, anyway."Billy said

"And? That doesn't give us the right to cheat either." Damien said and Billy rolled his eyes before reaching out and grabbing Damien's arm and pulling him towards him.

Billy pulled Damien into his lap. "We can do this." Damien scoffed, "I'm not doing this."

Both boys turned their attention to the window as stu crawled through and he pouted. "You're starting without me?"

"No one is starting anything!" Damien said, standing up and stu wrapped his arms around him.

"Why? It could be our dirty little secret." Stu whispered, grinning before he softly kissed Damien's neck.

"One word-" Damien pulled away from stu. "Cheating."

"Tatum and Sidney are cheating on us! It doesn't matter!" Billy told him, standing up

Damien just stared at them, crossing his arms over his chest. "N-" he was cut off as billy smashed their lips together, roughly kissing him. Billy placed a hand behind Damien head, pulling him closer.

Damien couldn't help the moan that escaped him. Stu was behind him, kissing his neck as his hands roamed underneath Damien's shirt.

Billy slightly pulled back, he looked into Damien's light brown eyes. "you want us. So, stop denying us. Just let us please you."

"Yeah, like I said before it's our dirty little secret." Stu whispered and Damien moaned

Billy smirked, "We'll be gentle."
- -
Damien gasped, gripped Billy's shoulders as billy and stu slowly slid in and out of him.

"Does it hurt?" Stu questioned, groaning as he felt Damien clenching around him. Billy moaned, "fuck. Do you have trouble breathing?"

Damien shook his head ,"No..i-gah!" He moaned. He knew that he should be feeling guilty for having sex with billy and stu.

His sisters boyfriend, his friend boyfriend. Most of all, the guys who killed his mother but the pleasure amazing and he couldn't get enough.

"Please...ah..don't stop."

Billy and stu didn't. They pleasure Damien until he was tired.

Damien couldn't believe how good billy and stu were at sex. The three of them had taken a quick shower. Billy was drying his hair when Damien felt all the breath in his lungs leave.

He reached for the oxygen tank but a hand stopped him. He looked at stu who was holding his hand.

"Can't let you do that, just yet." Damien looked at him as he struggled to breathe. Why was stu doing this.

Billy crouched down in front of him, grabbing the oxygen mask. "We'll give you this once you tell us what we want to know."

"Billy...i..can't...breathe..."Damien told him ,"I know, darling. That's why you need to give us the name of the guy who did this to you. " Billy told him

"Just say the same, Damie. Please." Stu pleaded, "c-..can't.."

"Stop fucking protecting him!" Billy yelled and Damien looked at him. His vision blurring.

"Fuck!" Billy cursed before putting the oxygen mask on Damien. Damien slightly coughed and wheezed.

Was it Billy's and stu's plan all along? Fuck him and then make him tell him who beat him up?

Damien shakily lifted his hand and pulled the oxygen mask down a bit. "It...it.." he coughed

"It was..it was your dad, billy." Billy tensed, anger coursing through his body.

Word count - 771

Hope you enjoy!
Sorry for the bad smut.

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