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DAMIEN HID in the library. As much as he loved Billy and Stu. He needed a break from them and what's a better place to hide from them then the library?

They both hate the library while Damien loved it. They wouldn't dare look in the library for Damien.

He was reading a book all the way in the back, hiding from the world. "This is a great hiding place from billy and stu." Damien looked up and smiled

"Hey chrisy." Christina stomach was huge. "You almost due?" He questioned and Christina nodded

"Yep." She sat down next to him. "Are you planning on telling Billy any time soon?" He questioned

"What am I supposed to tell him? "Uh, hi billy, remember me? It's Christina carpenter. I'm a friend of Damien's and I'm pregnant with your daughter." Christina scoffed

"Like he's gonna take it well." Damien chuckled ,"the baby is a girl?" Christina smiled and nodded ,"yep."

"You should tell him. I mean, he deserves to know that he's gonna be a dad to a baby girl." Damien told her ,

"After the baby is born. I will tell him." Christina replied, "you thought of any names, yet?" Damien asked

"Not yet. I've been brainstorming but none of them seem right." Christina told him

"So, you wanna tell me why you're hiding from your boyfriends?" She questioned

"Why does everyone assume their my boyfriends?" He asked and Christina gave him a look. "We haven't even been on a date yet." He told her

"The stop being a coward and ask them out to the movie's." Christina told him ,"I actually wanna see the movie." Damien mumbled

"I'm hiding from them cause I just need a little space." He added , "I can understand that." Christina told him

"Are you upset, damie?" Damien looked at Christina, "huh?" She placed a hand over her stomach. "Oh, you mean about you being pregnant with Billy's daughter? Nah. I knew Billy was a man whore before I fell in love with him." Damien told her.

Christina chuckled ,"can you believe we both had sex with that manwhore?" Damien let out a small laugh.

"He's pretty hard to resist." Christina nodded ,"yeah, he is."

Christina stood up and smiled down at him. "Go find them and ask them out." With that she walked away.

Damien sighed before closed his book and stood up and walked out of the library.

Damien decided to head back to his dorm room. He found Billy pacing around while stu leaned against the wall with his arms crossed.

"Hey." He greeted. They both turned and looked at him. "Where the fuck were you? We looked everywhere for you." Billy questioned

"I was at the library." Damien replied, "see! We should've checked there!" Stu exclaimed as he wraps his arms around Damien.

Billy rolled his eyes, "so, um..are you guys busy, later?" Damien questioned

"Nope. Why?" Stu questioned and Damien nervously bit his lip, "would um..would you guys like to go to the movie's with me?"

Billy and stu shared a look, a smile appearing on both their faces. "Yeah. We would love to."

Damien smiled ,"good! I'll pick you guys up at 6."

"It's a date."
Word count - 539

Hope you enjoy!

Dirty Little Secret || Scream 1996 || Billy Loomis & Stu macher Where stories live. Discover now