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DAMIEN LOOKED at his friends. "Um, what's is this?" He questioned

"The fair!" Stu happily exclaimed ,"You've always wanted to come but you didn't have enough time. So, we decided to bring you here." Max told him

"Is this because I might be dying? You are all, what? Making my bucket list shorter than my life span?" He joked, " yeah. We want you to enjoy these two weeks." Sidney told him with a smile

"Wait? How extacly did you find my bucket list?" Damien questioned, "I didn't. Billy did." Sidney said and Damien looked at billy with a raised eyebrow.

"I accidentally dropped your books and it fell. I just happened to read it."Billy said, with a small shrug.

"Right, accidentally." Damien mumbled eyeing Billy. "Come on, let's have some fun!" Stu said.
- -
The fair was fun and Damien was happy. He just wished that he could have more fun.

He was currently sitting down watching his friends have fun. He drank a smoothie. Billy sat down next to him, taking his smoothie.

"Hey, I was drinking that." Billy ignored him as he drank the smoothie through the straw.

"Are you seriously mad at me?" Damien questioned and Billy sighed , passing the smoothie back. "Why didn't you tell me?"

"That I'm gonna die before I turn eighteen?" Billy nodded and Damien shrugged ,"I don't know. I guess, I didn't want anybody treating me differently."

"You..you can't die on me, Damien." Billy told him, leaning closer to him. His eyes darkening but with a hint of sadness in them. "I won't let you die."

Damien softly chuckled ," what are you gonna do? Make a deal with the devil or something?" Billy just stared at him.

"I'm joking. Don't go making any deals, Willam loomis." Damien told him ,"why not? If it keeps you from dying then I would make any deal in a heartbeat." Billy told him, leaning his head on his arms.

"Because billy, if I was meant to die then I will die. You can't change fate. You change fate..well, then everything around you starts to fall apart." Damien said

"Can you at least tell me who did it?" Billy questioned, "I mean, if you're gonna die then you could at least tell me who beat you up."

Damien frowned, shaking his head. "I can't." Billy clenched his fist,sitting up straighter. "Why the fuck not?"he questioned

"Why are you protecting him?" He asked and Damien sighed , "I'm not. It's just..it might ruins someone else life, Billy."

"You're life is ruin, Damien. Look at what he did to you. You're gonna die in less than two weeks, Damien." Billy told him, looking at him with pleading eyes.

"Just please tell me, Damien." He said in a desperate tone. "I can't. I'm sorry." Damien said as he stood up.

"I'm gonna join the others." He said before he walked away and billy watched him.

Why wouldn't Damien just tell him?he just needed a name and he could go and kill the guy who did that to Damien.

Stu and Damien were his life and he couldn't lose either of them but he's already losing Damien and he couldn't bare it.

Billy was going to do everything in his power to make sure that Damien stays alive.

No matter what. Damien was going to live. Damien was going to see his eighteen birthday.

Damien was going to live.
Word count - 576

Hope you enjoy!

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