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Jensen ackles as Bode Loomis
Age - 32

"Billy, my dear nephew, I love you but you're such an idiot

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"Billy, my dear nephew, I love you but you're such an idiot."

BODE LOOMIS leaned against his truck as he waited for his nephew and daughter to leave school.

Bode Loomis was a detective in woodsboro. He has this crush on Dewey riley. The Deputy of woodsboro.

They were good friends but Bode wanted to be more than friends. He was just nervous to ask dewey out.

"Dad!" His daughter Rowan Loomis smiled. Billy followed behind her along with Damien and stu macher.

"Hey, how was school?" Bode questioned, "pretty good." Rowan replied

"Boring." Billy said , "hey, Bode. Can you please tell billy to walk his own girlfriend to class?" Damien questioned

"Billy walk your girlfriend to class. Be a gentleman." Billy rolled his eyes ,"Damien needs me more. He could die at any minute." Billy agrued

"And stop arguing with me on this, Damien." He added sending a glare towards Damien.

"What are you gonna do? Turn off my oxygen tank?" Damien asked ,"I will if you keep arguing with me." Billy growled out.

"Ahem! Cop, right here." Bode spoke up, "good for you." Billy snapped

Bode looked at Rowan. "What crawled up his butt?" He whispered

"Oh, he just has this massive obsession over Damien." Rowan whispered back ,"make sense."

"Alright, get in the truck." Bode loudly said ,"come on, Damien." Billy held the door open for him.

"Are you Bipolar?" Stu questioned, amused ,"No. Get in, Damien."

"Ask a little nicer and I will." Damien told him and billy sighed ,"would you please just get in?"

Damien smiled ,"sure." Damien got in the truck and then stu did before billy did.

"He's a lovesick fool. Just like you are." Rowan told Bode before she went inside of the truck and Bode sighed.

"I'm not a lovesick fool."
- -
Damien was in his room, lying on bed with an oxygen tank next to him. His head was hurting from the lack of oxygen.

Billy pretty much told him not to stand up or do anything. Stu was lying next to him reading a comic book but he kept glancing at Damien.

Billy was currently over at Sidney's room since she wanted to talk to him about something.

"What?" Damien questioned, turning his head to look at stu ,"huh?"

"You keep glancing at me. What is it?" Damien asked and stu closed the comic book, tossing it to the side before he leaned on his elbows looking down at Damien.

"Why don't you just listen to billy? You shouldn't be the things you're doing."stu told him

"Stu, I don't want to live my life like I'm made out of glass. I'm not made out of glass and I want to do the things that I want to do. There's nothing that's gonna stop me and this-" he gestured to the oxygen tanks

"Isn't gonna stop me either." Damien said ,"it should. Damien, you can die at any second. Did it ever occur to you that billy and I don't want you to die?" Stu asked and Damien sighed, sitting up a bit.

"I don't want to die either, stu but why should I stop living my life because of this? I get that you and billy are afraid but don't you think I am, too?" Damien asked

"But thanks to ha-" Damien cut himself off ,"look, I'll try and take it easy but I won't promise you anything." He told him

Stu just stared at him. Was he going to say the name of his attacker? Does Damien know who attacked him? Why wasn't he saying anything?

"Tell me his name." Stu demanded and Damien chuckled ,"I told you, I don't know who attacked me."

"I call bullshit. You were gonna say his name. Who is it?" Stu questioned

"I don't know what you're talking about." Damien laid back down , closing his eyes. "I'm taking a nap. Don't bother me."

Stu could only stare at Damien. Was he protecting his attacker? Why would he do that?

Maybe billy could get it out of Damien.
Word count - 685

Hope you enjoy!

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