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A PAINFUL SCREAM OF AGONY escaped Jonah as he crawled across the football field. He and his friends were supposed to be practicing for the game next week when out of nowhere two people dressed as Ghostface appeared attacking them.

Marcus and Conrad managed to run off but Jonah didn't. One of the Ghostface ran after Conrad and Marcus, while the other stayed with Jonah.

Ghostface seemed to be taunting Jonah. "Please...please..." Jonah sobbed as he crawled. One of the Ghostface stabbed him in his back. He couldn't walk. It hurt too much.

"Please..I'm sorry! I'm sorry! Please don't kill me!" Jonah pleaded. Ghostface titled their head before kicked Jonah on to his back, and Jonah cried out in pain.

"No! No! Please!" Jonah begging fell on deaf ears as Ghostface got on top of him, raising the knife.

The knife shined under the moonlight and Jonah screamed as the knife was impaled into him over and over again.

It wasn't long until Jonah screams died down and he was dead. He laid on the football field, painting the green grass red with his blood.
- -
Marcus and Conrad ran through the highschool hallways. Ghostface chased after them. Ghostface wasn't running like they were. They were walking, sliding the knife against the lockers making a loud screeching noise.

"Marcus!" Marcus heart was beating loudly in his chest, fear, anxiety, and pure adrenaline filled his veins.

His breathing was heavy as he stopped running. Conrad wasn't next to him anymore. His terrified voice came from behind him, and Marcus took a shaky deep breath as he slowly turned around. 

His eyes widened seeing the two Ghostface stabbing Conrad. He watched as his friends blood was spilled on the schools floor, on the walls , on the white mask.

He slowly backed up, bile rising in his throat. He could only watch in horror as the two Ghostface turned around in synce and wiped their knifes in synce.

It was the most terrifying thing, he's ever seen in his life before. "Oh fuck,oh fuck." He mumbled under his breath as the Ghostface started to walk towards him.

Marcus tripped on his own feet and landed roughly on the floor. He scrambled back,

"N-no! No!" Marcus whimpered as his back hit against the wall. "Please! No! No!" He pleaded

The shorter one crouched down in front of him, lifting their hand and removing their mask.

Marcus eyes widened as he sees the familiar smirk. "B..Billy? What the fuck man!?" The fear left Marcus and was replaced by anger.

Billy chuckled, pointing the knife at Marcus. The tip of the knife inches away from his face. Billy tilted his head, grinning at him. It was pyshchotic and sadistic.

"Why the fuck are you doing this!?" Marcus questioned, "you hear that, stu? Marcus here wants to know why, we're doing this?" Billy chuckled

Stu removed his mask, letting out a small laugh before glaring at Marcus. "You hurt Damien."

The grin on Billy's face disappeared. "No one fucking hurts Damien." He growled out

"Damien? You're..you're doing all this because of him!? It..it wasn't our fault that stupid kid has a big mouth on him! He pissed us off!" Marcus defended himself

"Damien might be a little shit, but he's our little shit, and we don't like it when someone hurts him." Stu told him, and Billy nodded


"Go to hell! Both of you sick fucks!" Marcus shouted, and the sound of flesh being ripped apart was heard as Billy stabbed the knife right through Marcus right eye.

Billy grinned, twisting the knife. Marcus body was still responding as he twitched and Billy laughed.

"Holy shit." Stu laughed as he crouched down beside Billy. "His body is still twitching."

"Hey, Billy?" Billy hummed in acknowledgement.

"What are we going to get Damien for his birthday?"
Word count - 648

Hope you enjoy!

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