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WHEN DAMIEN woke up. He expected a normal morning. What he didn't expect was to see everyone he knew and his grandparents to be in the kitchen.

He stared baffled, "um..hi?" His grandmother, Emmy smiled at him. "There's my sweet little boy!" She pulled him into a tight hug.

"Uh, hi, grandma. It's nice to see you again but um..what are you doing here extacly? And why is everyone here?" Damien questioned confused.

"It's our birthday today, damie."  Sidney replied as she stood next to Billy. "Oh, right." Damien said, hugging his grandfather, Valentino

"Did you seriously forget?" Max asked as she ate a pancake. "How can you forget the day that determines whether you live or die?" Randy questioned and everyone looked at him.

"That I didn't forget about. I'm on death's door today but for the love god, don't treat me like I'm actually dying-" "you are." Rowan hit randy in his arm, "shut up." She hissed out

Damien ignored them as he continued, "let's just have a very good day." He finished

"Can we at least ask how you're fealing?" Emmy questioned with a raised eyebrow. "Oh, I don't feel like I'm dying, so that's a good sign." Damien replied

Billy and stu shared a look. Both of them hiding a smile. "You sure you feel alright?" Neil questioned

Damien nodded ,"yeah. In fact, I feel better than I did before."

"Well, that's good news." Bode said, with a smile , "hey, Damien. Did you hear that Jonah, Marcus and Conrad were murdered last night at the high school?" Randy questioned

"What? They were?" Damien questioned and randy nodded ,"oh yeah. Jonah was found in the football field. Conrad was found in the freshman hallway and Marcus body was found in the boys locker room." Randy told him

Bode cleared his throat, "Ahem!" Randy ignored him ,"Marcus skin was melted by the steaming hot water but that's not best part!"

"There's no best part about someone getting murdered." Bode told him but once again was ignored. "It seemed like Marcus was some sort of satanic sacrifice." Randy said

"Like someone made a sacrifice to the devil?" Damien asked, and randy nodded ,"yeah."

"Maybe let's not talk about someone getting sacrificed to the devil during breakfast?" Emmy suggested

"Did they use pigs blood?" Max questioned, "why would they use pigs blood?" Rowan asked

"I don't know. Usually in movies, they use pigs blood." Max shrugged. Damien glanced at Billy and Stu.

Billy had a small smirk on his face. While stu was grinning. He narrowed his eyes at them. They didn't, did they?

Damien drained the rest of the conversation as he stabbed his fork into his pancake.

What the hell did Billy and Stu do?
- -
Music played in the backyard. Emmy and Valentino had set up a birthday party for the twins.

"So, how does it feel to finally be eighteen?" Stu questioned, smiling at Damien. "Great. It means I'll be able to buy my own beer soon." Damien replied

"At least most of use are eighteen. All that's missing is Rowan and Max." He added as he ate some ice cream.

"Hey, are you sure that you're feeling alright?" Billy questioned, slightly leaning forward, his brown eyes stared into Damien's light brown eyes.

"Surprisingly, yeah." Damien replied and Billy smiled leaning back against the chair, "That's good."

"Hey, we both got you something." Stu and billy both pulled out two neatly wrapped small boxes.

"Oh, you did?"Damien looked surprised, he was surprised. He opened the boxes.

[Stu's gift to Damien]

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[Stu's gift to Damien]

Damien smiled ,"it's pretty cute." Stu smiled ,

[Billy's gift to Damien]

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[Billy's gift to Damien]

"How did you guys know that I wanted this?" He asked, raising an eyebrow at both boys.

"There's something called listening." Billy replied and Damien chuckled.

"Thank you."
- -
Later that night, Damien fell asleep on the couch as the rest of his family watched a funny movie.

Sidney turned to her brother with a smile on her face before that smile slowly disappeared.

"Damien?" She slightly shook him but he didn't wake up. "Dad! I think somethings wrong!"

Neil rushed over, and a panic look came across his face.

"He's not breathing!"
700 word count

Hope you enjoy!

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